EHCache Integration

You can mix the use of the ehcache framework with DirectMemory. Recent versions of ehcache have some features to store elements in a heap off storage when overflow a number of objects or bytes in heap cache.

First you need to declare dependency to the DirectMemory ehcache integration:


Note the heap off cache class to use is not currently configurable in ehcahce see issue So Apache DirectMemory contains same package/class name as needed by ehcache.

Activate the feature in ehcache:

  CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration();
  cacheConfiguration.setName( "foo" );

  cacheConfiguration.setOverflowToOffHeap( true );

  cacheConfiguration.setMaxBytesLocalHeap( Long.valueOf( 100 * 1024 * 1024 ) );
  cacheConfiguration.setMaxBytesLocalOffHeap( Long.valueOf( 100 * 1024 * 1024 ) );

  Cache cache = new Cache( cacheConfiguration );
  CacheManager.getInstance().addCache( cache );