2015/07/26 - Apache DirectMemory has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.

EHCache Integration

You can mix the use of the ehcache framework with DirectMemory. Recent versions of ehcache have some features to store elements in a heap off storage when overflow a number of objects or bytes in heap cache.

First you need to declare dependency to the DirectMemory ehcache integration:


Note the heap off cache class to use is not currently configurable in ehcahce see issue https://jira.terracotta.org/jira/browse/EHC-940. So Apache DirectMemory contains same package/class name as needed by ehcache.

Activate the feature in ehcache:

  CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration();
  cacheConfiguration.setName( "foo" );

  cacheConfiguration.setOverflowToOffHeap( true );

  cacheConfiguration.setMaxBytesLocalHeap( Long.valueOf( 100 * 1024 * 1024 ) );
  cacheConfiguration.setMaxBytesLocalOffHeap( Long.valueOf( 100 * 1024 * 1024 ) );

  Cache cache = new Cache( cacheConfiguration );
  CacheManager.getInstance().addCache( cache );