Package org.apache.ctakes.drugner.fsm.machines.elements

Class Summary
DecimalStrengthFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect decimal fractions in the given input of tokens.
DosagesFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect dosages in the given input of tokens.
DrugChangeStatusFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect change status data in the given input of tokens.
DurationFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect duration data in the given input of tokens.
FormFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect form tokens in the given input of tokens.
FractionStrengthFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect fraction strength tokens in the given input of tokens.
FrequencyFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect frequency data in the given input of tokens.
FrequencyUnitFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect frequency unit data in the given input of tokens.
RangeStrengthFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect range strength tokens in the given input of tokens.
RouteFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect route data in the given input of tokens.
StrengthFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect dosages in the given input of tokens.
StrengthUnitFSM Uses one or more finite state machines to detect dosages in the given input of tokens.