
Interface Summary
NonTerminalConsumer Extends the CasConsumer interface to provide a method for getting output in XML form.

Class Summary
CasConsumer CasConsumer that writes a JCas (the current view) to an xml file
FilesInDirectoryCasConsumer For each CAS a local file with the document text is written to a directory specifed by a parameter.
HtmlTableCasConsumer Outputs an HTML table that visualizes the specified Annotation objects over the document text.
NormalizedFilesInDirectoryCasConsumer For each CAS a local file with the document text is written to a directory specifed by a parameter.
TokenFreqCasConsumer This class creates a file that contains the frequencies of the word tokens found in a set in a text collection.
TokenOffsetsCasConsumer For each CAS a local file with the offsets of the BaseToken annotations is written to a directory specifed by a parameter.
XmiWriterCasConsumerCtakes A simple CAS consumer that writes the CAS to XMI format.