Package org.apache.ctakes.core.resource

Interface Summary
JdbcConnectionResource Resource for obtaining a JDBC database connection.
MaxentModelResource OpenNLP Maxent Model resource.
StringIntegerMapResource Resource that defines a map between a String (KEY) and Integer.
StringMapResource Resource that defines a map between a String (KEY) and Integer.
StringsResource A Resource interface for getting an array of strings.

Class Summary
FileLocator Utility class that attempts to locate files.
JdbcConnectionResourceImpl Implementation of JdbcConnectionResource.
LinesFromFileStringsResourceImpl Reads in an array of Strings from a file - each line in the file is a string.
LuceneIndexReaderResourceImpl Oct 2010 - convert to lucene 3.0.2
StringIntegerMapResourceImpl Implementation for StringIntegerMapResource interface.
StringMapResourceImpl Implementation for StringIntegerMapResource interface.
SuffixMaxentModelResourceImpl Loads a suffix-sensitive GISModel into memory as a shared UIMA resource.