Uses of Interface

Packages that use PTableType
org.apache.crunch Client-facing API and core abstractions. 
org.apache.crunch.impl.mem In-memory Pipeline implementation for rapid prototyping and testing. 
org.apache.crunch.lib Joining, sorting, aggregating, and other commonly used functionality. 
org.apache.crunch.types Common functionality for business object serialization. 
org.apache.crunch.types.avro Business object serialization using Apache Avro. 
org.apache.crunch.types.writable Business object serialization using Hadoop's Writables framework. 

Uses of PTableType in org.apache.crunch

Methods in org.apache.crunch that return PTableType
 PTableType<K,V> PTable.getPTableType()
          Returns the PTableType of this PTable.
 PTableType<K,V> TableSource.getTableType()

Methods in org.apache.crunch with parameters of type PTableType
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
Pipeline.emptyPTable(PTableType<K,V> ptype)
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollection.parallelDo(DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn, PTableType<K,V> type)
          Similar to the other parallelDo instance, but returns a PTable instance instead of a PCollection.
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollection.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn, PTableType<K,V> type)
          Similar to the other parallelDo instance, but returns a PTable instance instead of a PCollection.
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollection.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn, PTableType<K,V> type, ParallelDoOptions options)
          Similar to the other parallelDo instance, but returns a PTable instance instead of a PCollection.

Uses of PTableType in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist with parameters of type PTableType
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
DistributedPipeline.emptyPTable(PTableType<K,V> ptype)

Uses of PTableType in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect that return PTableType
 PTableType<K,V> EmptyPTable.getPTableType()
 PTableType<K,V> BaseUnionTable.getPTableType()
 PTableType<K,V> BaseInputTable.getPTableType()
 PTableType<K,V> BaseDoTable.getPTableType()

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect with parameters of type PTableType
<S,K,V> BaseDoTable<K,V>
PCollectionFactory.createDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> chainingCollection, CombineFn<K,V> combineFn, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<S,K,V> BaseDoTable<K,V>
PCollectionFactory.createDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> chainingCollection, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type, ParallelDoOptions options)
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type, ParallelDoOptions options)

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect with parameters of type PTableType
EmptyPTable(DistributedPipeline pipeline, PTableType<K,V> ptype)

Uses of PTableType in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem with parameters of type PTableType
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
MemPipeline.emptyPTable(PTableType<K,V> ptype)
<S,T> PTable<S,T>
MemPipeline.typedTableOf(PTableType<S,T> ptype, Iterable<Pair<S,T>> pairs)
<S,T> PTable<S,T>
MemPipeline.typedTableOf(PTableType<S,T> ptype, S s, T t, Object... more)

Uses of PTableType in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark with parameters of type PTableType
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
SparkPipeline.emptyPTable(PTableType<K,V> ptype)

Uses of PTableType in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.collect

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.collect with parameters of type PTableType
<S,K,V> BaseDoTable<K,V>
SparkCollectFactory.createDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, CombineFn<K,V> combineFn, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<S,K,V> BaseDoTable<K,V>
SparkCollectFactory.createDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type, ParallelDoOptions options)

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.collect with parameters of type PTableType
EmptyPTable(DistributedPipeline pipeline, PTableType<K,V> ptype)

Uses of PTableType in org.apache.crunch.lib

Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib with parameters of type PTableType
<K,V> Pair<K,V>
PTables.getDetachedValue(PTableType<K,V> tableType, Pair<K,V> value)
          Create a detached value for a table Pair.
SecondarySort.sortAndApply(PTable<K,Pair<V1,V2>> input, DoFn<Pair<K,Iterable<Pair<V1,V2>>>,Pair<U,V>> doFn, PTableType<U,V> ptype)
          Perform a secondary sort on the given PTable instance and then apply a DoFn to the resulting sorted data to yield an output PTable<U, V>.
SecondarySort.sortAndApply(PTable<K,Pair<V1,V2>> input, DoFn<Pair<K,Iterable<Pair<V1,V2>>>,Pair<U,V>> doFn, PTableType<U,V> ptype, int numReducers)
          Perform a secondary sort on the given PTable instance and then apply a DoFn to the resulting sorted data to yield an output PTable<U, V>, using the given number of reducers.

Uses of PTableType in org.apache.crunch.types

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types that return PTableType
 PTableType<K,V> PGroupedTableType.getTableType()
<K,V> PTableType<K,V>
PTypeFamily.tableOf(PType<K> key, PType<V> value)

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.types with parameters of type PTableType
PGroupedTableType(PTableType<K,V> tableType)

Uses of PTableType in org.apache.crunch.types.avro

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.avro that return PTableType
<K,V> PTableType<K,V>
AvroTypeFamily.tableOf(PType<K> key, PType<V> value)

Uses of PTableType in org.apache.crunch.types.writable

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.writable that return PTableType
<K,V> PTableType<K,V>
WritableTypeFamily.tableOf(PType<K> key, PType<V> value)

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