Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReaderWriterFactory
org.apache.crunch.types.avro Business object serialization using Apache Avro. 

Uses of ReaderWriterFactory in org.apache.crunch.types.avro

Classes in org.apache.crunch.types.avro that implement ReaderWriterFactory
 class AvroMode
          AvroMode is an immutable object used for configuring the reading and writing of Avro types.
 class ReflectDataFactory
          A Factory class for constructing Avro reflection-related objects.

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.avro that return ReaderWriterFactory
 ReaderWriterFactory AvroMode.getFactory()
          Returns the factory that will be used for the mode.

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.avro with parameters of type ReaderWriterFactory
 AvroMode AvroMode.override(ReaderWriterFactory factory)
          Deprecated. use AvroMode.withFactory(ReaderWriterFactory) instead.
 AvroMode AvroMode.withFactory(ReaderWriterFactory factory)
          Creates a new AvroMode instance which will utilize the factory instance for creating Avro readers and writers.

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