Uses of Class

Packages that use JoinFn
org.apache.crunch.lib.join Inner and outer joins on collections. 

Uses of JoinFn in org.apache.crunch.lib.join

Subclasses of JoinFn in org.apache.crunch.lib.join
 class FullOuterJoinFn<K,U,V>
          Used to perform the last step of an full outer join.
 class InnerJoinFn<K,U,V>
          Used to perform the last step of an inner join.
 class LeftOuterJoinFn<K,U,V>
          Used to perform the last step of an left outer join.
 class RightOuterJoinFn<K,U,V>
          Used to perform the last step of an right outer join.

Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib.join with parameters of type JoinFn
 PTable<K,Pair<U,V>> DefaultJoinStrategy.join(PTable<K,U> left, PTable<K,V> right, JoinFn<K,U,V> joinFn)
          Perform a default join on the given PTable instances using a user-specified JoinFn.

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