Class BaseGroupedTable<K,V>

  extended by org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect.PCollectionImpl<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>>
      extended by org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect.BaseGroupedTable<K,V>
All Implemented Interfaces:
PCollection<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>>, PGroupedTable<K,V>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BaseGroupedTable<K,V>
extends PCollectionImpl<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>>
implements PGroupedTable<K,V>

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect.PCollectionImpl
Method Summary
 PTable<K,V> combineValues(Aggregator<V> agg)
          Combine the values in each group using the given Aggregator.
 PTable<K,V> combineValues(Aggregator<V> combineAgg, Aggregator<V> reduceAgg)
          Combine and reduces the values in each group using the given Aggregator instances.
 PTable<K,V> combineValues(CombineFn<K,V> combineFn)
          Combines the values of this grouping using the given CombineFn.
 PTable<K,V> combineValues(CombineFn<K,V> combineFn, CombineFn<K,V> reduceFn)
          Combines and reduces the values of this grouping using the given CombineFn instances.
 PGroupedTableType<K,V> getGroupedTableType()
          Return the PGroupedTableType containing serialization information for this PGroupedTable.
 long getLastModifiedAt()
 List<PCollectionImpl<?>> getParents()
 PType<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>> getPType()
          Returns the PType of this PCollection.
 Set<SourceTarget<?>> getTargetDependencies()
<U> PTable<K,U>
mapValues(MapFn<Iterable<V>,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)
          Maps the Iterable<V> elements of each record to a new type.
<U> PTable<K,U>
mapValues(String name, MapFn<Iterable<V>,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)
          Maps the Iterable<V> elements of each record to a new type.
 PTable<K,V> ungroup()
          Convert this grouping back into a multimap.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect.PCollectionImpl
accept, aggregate, asCollection, asReadable, by, by, cache, cache, count, filter, filter, first, getDepth, getMaterializedAt, getName, getOnlyParent, getParallelDoOptions, getPipeline, getSize, getTypeFamily, isBreakpoint, length, materialize, materializeAt, max, min, parallelDo, parallelDo, parallelDo, parallelDo, parallelDo, parallelDo, setBreakpoint, toString, union, union, write, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.crunch.PCollection
aggregate, asCollection, asReadable, by, by, cache, cache, count, filter, filter, first, getName, getPipeline, getSize, getTypeFamily, length, materialize, max, min, parallelDo, parallelDo, parallelDo, parallelDo, parallelDo, parallelDo, union, union, write, write

Method Detail


public PType<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>> getPType()
Description copied from interface: PCollection
Returns the PType of this PCollection.

Specified by:
getPType in interface PCollection<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>>


public PTable<K,V> combineValues(CombineFn<K,V> combineFn,
                                 CombineFn<K,V> reduceFn)
Description copied from interface: PGroupedTable
Combines and reduces the values of this grouping using the given CombineFn instances.

Specified by:
combineValues in interface PGroupedTable<K,V>
combineFn - The combiner function during the combine phase
reduceFn - The combiner function during the reduce phase
A PTable where each key has a single value


public PTable<K,V> combineValues(CombineFn<K,V> combineFn)
Description copied from interface: PGroupedTable
Combines the values of this grouping using the given CombineFn.

Specified by:
combineValues in interface PGroupedTable<K,V>
combineFn - The combiner function
A PTable where each key has a single value


public PTable<K,V> combineValues(Aggregator<V> agg)
Description copied from interface: PGroupedTable
Combine the values in each group using the given Aggregator.

Specified by:
combineValues in interface PGroupedTable<K,V>
agg - The function to use
A PTable where each group key maps to an aggregated value. Group keys may be repeated if an aggregator returns more than one value.


public PTable<K,V> combineValues(Aggregator<V> combineAgg,
                                 Aggregator<V> reduceAgg)
Description copied from interface: PGroupedTable
Combine and reduces the values in each group using the given Aggregator instances.

Specified by:
combineValues in interface PGroupedTable<K,V>
combineAgg - The aggregator to use during the combine phase
reduceAgg - The aggregator to use during the reduce phase
A PTable where each group key maps to an aggregated value. Group keys may be repeated if an aggregator returns more than one value.


public PTable<K,V> ungroup()
Description copied from interface: PGroupedTable
Convert this grouping back into a multimap.

Specified by:
ungroup in interface PGroupedTable<K,V>
an ungrouped version of the data in this PGroupedTable.


public <U> PTable<K,U> mapValues(MapFn<Iterable<V>,U> mapFn,
                                 PType<U> ptype)
Description copied from interface: PGroupedTable
Maps the Iterable<V> elements of each record to a new type. Just like any parallelDo operation on a PGroupedTable, this may only be called once.

Specified by:
mapValues in interface PGroupedTable<K,V>
mapFn - The mapping function
ptype - The serialization information for the returned data
A new PTable instance


public <U> PTable<K,U> mapValues(String name,
                                 MapFn<Iterable<V>,U> mapFn,
                                 PType<U> ptype)
Description copied from interface: PGroupedTable
Maps the Iterable<V> elements of each record to a new type. Just like any parallelDo operation on a PGroupedTable, this may only be called once.

Specified by:
mapValues in interface PGroupedTable<K,V>
name - A name for this operation
mapFn - The mapping function
ptype - The serialization information for the returned data
A new PTable instance


public PGroupedTableType<K,V> getGroupedTableType()
Description copied from interface: PGroupedTable
Return the PGroupedTableType containing serialization information for this PGroupedTable.

Specified by:
getGroupedTableType in interface PGroupedTable<K,V>


public Set<SourceTarget<?>> getTargetDependencies()
getTargetDependencies in class PCollectionImpl<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>>


public List<PCollectionImpl<?>> getParents()
Specified by:
getParents in class PCollectionImpl<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>>


public long getLastModifiedAt()
Specified by:
getLastModifiedAt in class PCollectionImpl<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>>

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