Uses of Class

Packages that use TokenizerFactory

Uses of TokenizerFactory in org.apache.crunch.contrib.text

Methods in org.apache.crunch.contrib.text that return TokenizerFactory
          Returns a new TokenizerFactory with settings determined by this Builder instance.
static TokenizerFactory TokenizerFactory.getDefaultInstance()
          Returns a default TokenizerFactory that uses whitespace as a delimiter and does not skip any input fields.

Methods in org.apache.crunch.contrib.text with parameters of type TokenizerFactory
<T> Extractor<Collection<T>>
Extractors.xcollect(TokenizerFactory scannerFactory, Extractor<T> extractor)
<T extends Tuple>
Extractors.xcustom(Class<T> clazz, TokenizerFactory scannerFactory, Extractor... extractors)
          Returns an Extractor for a subclass of Tuple with a constructor that has the given extractor types that uses the given TokenizerFactory for parsing the sub-fields.
<K,V> Extractor<Pair<K,V>>
Extractors.xpair(TokenizerFactory scannerFactory, Extractor<K> one, Extractor<V> two)
          Returns an Extractor for pairs of the given types that uses the given TokenizerFactory for parsing the sub-fields.
<A,B,C,D> Extractor<Tuple4<A,B,C,D>>
Extractors.xquad(TokenizerFactory scannerFactory, Extractor<A> a, Extractor<B> b, Extractor<C> c, Extractor<D> d)
          Returns an Extractor for quads of the given types that uses the given TokenizerFactory for parsing the sub-fields.
<A,B,C> Extractor<Tuple3<A,B,C>>
Extractors.xtriple(TokenizerFactory scannerFactory, Extractor<A> a, Extractor<B> b, Extractor<C> c)
          Returns an Extractor for triples of the given types that uses the given TokenizerFactory for parsing the sub-fields.
static Extractor<TupleN> Extractors.xtupleN(TokenizerFactory scannerFactory, Extractor... extractors)
          Returns an Extractor for an arbitrary number of types that uses the given TokenizerFactory for parsing the sub-fields.

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.contrib.text with parameters of type TokenizerFactory
AbstractCompositeExtractor(TokenizerFactory scannerFactory, List<Extractor<?>> extractors)

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