Uses of Class

Packages that use CachingOptions
org.apache.crunch Client-facing API and core abstractions. 
org.apache.crunch.impl.mem In-memory Pipeline implementation for rapid prototyping and testing. A Pipeline implementation that runs on Hadoop MapReduce. 

Uses of CachingOptions in org.apache.crunch

Fields in org.apache.crunch declared as CachingOptions
static CachingOptions CachingOptions.DEFAULT
          An instance of CachingOptions with the default caching settings.

Methods in org.apache.crunch that return CachingOptions

Methods in org.apache.crunch with parameters of type CachingOptions
 PTable<K,V> PTable.cache(CachingOptions options)
 PCollection<S> PCollection.cache(CachingOptions options)
          Marks this data as cached using the given CachingOptions.
<T> void
Pipeline.cache(PCollection<T> pcollection, CachingOptions options)
          Caches the given PCollection so that it will be processed at most once during pipeline execution.

Uses of CachingOptions in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect with parameters of type CachingOptions
 PTable<K,V> PTableBase.cache(CachingOptions options)
 PCollection<S> PCollectionImpl.cache(CachingOptions options)

Uses of CachingOptions in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem with parameters of type CachingOptions
<T> void
MemPipeline.cache(PCollection<T> pcollection, CachingOptions options)

Uses of CachingOptions in

Methods in with parameters of type CachingOptions
<T> void
MRPipeline.cache(PCollection<T> pcollection, CachingOptions options)

Uses of CachingOptions in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark with parameters of type CachingOptions
<T> void
SparkPipeline.cache(PCollection<T> pcollection, CachingOptions options)

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