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accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Accepts a visitor.
accept(Visitor) - Method in interface org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ContentElement
Accepts a visit.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource
Accepts a visitor.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithinDirectory
Accepts a visitor.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Accepts a visit.


ByOrganisation - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Relates the responsible group or individual to one or more resources.
ByOrganisation(Organisation, Collection<Resource>) - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Links an individual or group to the resources for which they have responsibility.


compareTo(ByOrganisation) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Delegates to organisation.
compareTo(License) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
compareTo(Organisation) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Organisation
compareTo(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource
Based on name.
compareTo(WithinDirectory) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithinDirectory
Based on name.
compareTo(WithLicense) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Based on license.
ContentElement - Interface in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Describes some of the contents of a software distribution.


Descriptor - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
High level description of licensing qualities.
Descriptor(License, String, String, Map<String, License>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, Organisation>, Collection<WithinDirectory>) - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Constructs a description of the expected licensing qualities of a distribution, with no additional primary copyright notice.
Descriptor(License, String, String, String, Map<String, License>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, Organisation>, Collection<WithinDirectory>) - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Constructs a description of the expected licensing qualities of a distribution, with a primary additional copyright notice.


equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Equal iff organisations are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Organisation
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource
Based on name.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithinDirectory
Based on directory name.


getContents() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Gets the contents expected in the distribution.
getCopyrightNotice() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Gets the copyright claim shared by the resources contained.
getDuplicates() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ResourceNamesCollator
Gets the duplicate resources discovered.
getExpectedParameters() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
Gets parameters required by the template to generate a instance of this license family.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Gets the primary identifier for the individual or group responsible.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
Gets the unique identifier for this license.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Organisation
Gets an identifier for this group or individual with responsibility for upstream distributions.
getLicense() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Gets license meta-data shared by the resources contained.
getLicenseName() - Method in exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseTemplateException
Gets the name of the erroneous license.
getLicenses() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseAndOrganisationCollator
Gets the licenses collected.
getLicenses() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithinDirectory
Gets resources contained, grouped by license applicable.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Gets the name of the individual or group responsible.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
Gets a name for this license suitable for display.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Organisation
Gets a name for this group or individual suitable for presentation.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource
Gets the name for this resource expected in a software distribution.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithinDirectory
Gets the name of the directory described.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Gets the presentation name for the license shared by the resources contained.
getNames() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ResourceNamesCollator
Gets the names of the resources collected.
getNoticeId() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource
Gets an identifier for the optional NOTICE.
getNoticeIds() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.NoticeCollator
getOrganisation() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Gets the organisation representing the individual or group responible for the linked resources.
getOrganisation() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseAndOrganisationCollator
Gets the organisations collected.
getOrganisations() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Gets the organisations described.
getOrganisations() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Gets resources grouped by responsible organisation.
getOtherNotices() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Collates NOTICE meta-data not linked to any resource.
getParameters() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Gets the parameters substituted into the license template when generating the license legalise.
getPrimaryCopyrightNotice() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Gets an additional copyright notice needed for some primary licenses.
getPrimaryLicense() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Gets the principle license under which the work is licensed.
getPrimaryNotice() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Gets the principle NOTICE for the main work.
getPublicDomain() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithinDirectory
Gets resources in the public domain, grouped by the organisation responsible.
getResourceNotices() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Collates NOTICE meta-data for resources.
getResources() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Gets the resource for which the linked individual or group is responsible.
getSource() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource
Gets a locator for the source.
getText() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
Gets legal text expressing this license.
getText(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
Gets legal text expressing this license,
getText() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Gets the license legalise shared by the resources contained.
getURL() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Gets the primary URL for the individual or group responsible.
getURL() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
Gets a locator for this license.
getURL() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Organisation
Gets a locator for the home of this group or individual.
getURL() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Gets a locator for the license shared by the resources contained.


hasCopyrightNotice() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Indicates whether a copyright notice accumpianies this license.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Based on organisation.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Organisation
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource
Based on name.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithinDirectory
Based on name.
hasSource() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource
Is this resource linked to source?


isCopyrightNoticePresent() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.NoCopyrightNoticeVerifier
Has any WithLicense been visited with a copyright notice set?
isNamed(String) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithinDirectory
Does the directory described have the given name?
isNoticeRequired() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Is a NOTICE document required?
isOnlyLicense(License) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseAndOrganisationCollator
Was this the only license collected?
isOnlyOrganisation(String) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseAndOrganisationCollator
Is there only one organisation collected with the given id?
isOnlyPrimary(ContentElement) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Is this collection of resources expected to contain only material licensed under the primary license by the primary organisation with the primary copyright notice?
isPrimary(License) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Is the given license the principle license for the main work?
isPrimary(ByOrganisation) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Is the given individual or group the principle organisation with responsibility for the main work.
isPrimaryCopyrightNotice() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Is there a primary copyright notice?
isPrimaryOnly() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Is this the work of the primary organisation only?
isSourceRequired() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
Is source information inclusion required by this license?
isSourceRequired() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Should information about the source distribution of contained resources be included?


license(String) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Gets the license with the given id.
License - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Describes a software license.
License(boolean, String, Collection<String>, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
Constructs meta-data for a family of licenses.
LicenseAndOrganisationCollator - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Collates licenses and organisations.
LicenseAndOrganisationCollator() - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseAndOrganisationCollator
LicenseTemplateException - Exception in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Indicates that generating an instance of a license from the template (for the license family) has failed.


NoCopyrightNoticeVerifier - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Verifies that no copyright notices are present.
NoCopyrightNoticeVerifier() - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.NoCopyrightNoticeVerifier
NoticeCollator - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
NoticeCollator() - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.NoticeCollator
notices(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.NoticeCollator
notLicenseTemplate(Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseTemplateException
Builds an instance.


org.apache.creadur.whisker.model - package org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Models the domain, linking expected distribution contents to licensing meta-data.
Organisation - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Describes a group or individual with responsibility for upstream distributions.
Organisation(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Organisation
Constructs an instance.


parameterMismatch(Collection<String>, Collection<String>, String) - Static method in exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseTemplateException
Builds an exception indicating that parameter passed do not fulfill expectations.
primaryNoticeExists() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Does the work described have a primary notice?


Resource - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
A resource expected in a software distribution.
Resource(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource
Constructs a resource in a software distribution.
ResourceNamesCollator - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Collates resources within directories, flattening the model.
ResourceNamesCollator() - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ResourceNamesCollator
resourceNotices(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.NoticeCollator
resourceNoticesExist() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Does any resource have a required notice?


storeIn(Map<String, License>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
Stores the license by its id.
storeIn(Map<String, Organisation>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Organisation
Stores this organisation by id.


toString() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation
Describes object suitably for logging.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License
toString() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseAndOrganisationCollator
Something useful for logging.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Organisation
toString() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource
Gets a description suitable for logging.
traverse(Visitor) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Traverses the content directories.
traverseByOrganisation() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Visitor
Tunes traversal, allowing a moderate traversal without ByOrganisation elements.
traverseDirectory(Visitor, String) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor
Traverses the given directory.
traversePublicDomain() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Visitor
Tunes traversal, allowing public domain resources to be ignored.
traverseResource() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseAndOrganisationCollator
Don't traverse resources.
traverseResource() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Visitor
Tunes traversal, allowing Resource elements to be ignored.
traverseWithLicense() - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Visitor
Tunes traversal, allowing a shallow traversal without WithLicense elements.


visit(WithLicense) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseAndOrganisationCollator
Visits WithLicense.
visit(ByOrganisation) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.LicenseAndOrganisationCollator
visit(WithLicense) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.NoCopyrightNoticeVerifier
Visits a license to determine whether a copyright notice has been set.
visit(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.NoticeCollator
visit(WithinDirectory) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ResourceNamesCollator
Sets the last directory visited.
visit(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ResourceNamesCollator
Collects this resource.
visit(WithinDirectory) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Visitor
visit(WithLicense) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Visitor
Visits WithLicense.
visit(ByOrganisation) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Visitor
visit(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Visitor
Visits Resource.
Visitor - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Visits element in the model.
Visitor() - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Visitor


WithinDirectory - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Links resources expected within a directory in the distribution to licensing meta-data.
WithinDirectory(String, Collection<WithLicense>, Collection<ByOrganisation>) - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithinDirectory
Constructs a description of a directory
WithLicense - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.model
Groups resources sharing a license and claimed copyright.
WithLicense(License, String, Map<String, String>, Collection<ByOrganisation>) - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense
Groups resources sharing a license and copyright claim.
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