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add(ResourceCollection) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
Adds resources that will be checked.
add(IHeaderMatcher) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
add(ILicenseFamily) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
addConfiguredPattern(SubstringLicenseMatcher.Pattern) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.SubstringLicenseMatcher
addConfiguredStylesheet(Union) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
Which stylesheet to use (only meaningful with format='styled').
addText(String) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.FullTextLicenseMatcher


execute() - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
Generates the report.


FullTextLicenseMatcher - Class in org.apache.rat.anttasks
Adapts FullTextMatchingLicense to Ant's method naming conventions so it becomes easy to write text matching based license matchers inside an Ant build file.
FullTextLicenseMatcher() - Constructor for class org.apache.rat.anttasks.FullTextLicenseMatcher


getPatterns() - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.SubstringLicenseMatcher
getSubstring() - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.SubstringLicenseMatcher.Pattern
getValues() - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report.AddLicenseHeaders
getValues() - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report.Format


match(Document, String) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.FullTextLicenseMatcher


org.apache.rat.anttasks - package org.apache.rat.anttasks


Report - Class in org.apache.rat.anttasks
A basic Ant task that generates a report on all files specified by the nested resource collection(s).
Report() - Constructor for class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
Report.AddLicenseHeaders - Class in org.apache.rat.anttasks
Type for the addLicenseHeaders attribute.
Report.AddLicenseHeaders() - Constructor for class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report.AddLicenseHeaders
Report.AddLicenseHeaders(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report.AddLicenseHeaders
Report.Format - Class in org.apache.rat.anttasks
Type for the format attribute.
Report.Format() - Constructor for class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report.Format


setAddDefaultLicenseMatchers(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
setAddLicenseHeaders(Report.AddLicenseHeaders) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
setCopyrightMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
setFormat(Report.Format) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
Which format to use.
setProject(Project) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.FullTextLicenseMatcher
setReportFile(File) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
Where to send the report to.
setSubstring(String) - Method in class org.apache.rat.anttasks.SubstringLicenseMatcher.Pattern
SubstringLicenseMatcher - Class in org.apache.rat.anttasks
Adapts SimplePatternBasedLicense to Ant's method naming conventions so it becomes easy to write substring based license matchers inside an Ant build file.
SubstringLicenseMatcher() - Constructor for class org.apache.rat.anttasks.SubstringLicenseMatcher
SubstringLicenseMatcher.Pattern - Class in org.apache.rat.anttasks
A simple wrapper around a substring.
SubstringLicenseMatcher.Pattern() - Constructor for class org.apache.rat.anttasks.SubstringLicenseMatcher.Pattern
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