
Click Framework is a modern JEE web application framework, providing a natural rich client style programming model. Click is designed to be very easy to learn and use, with developers getting up and running within a day.


The design philosophy behind Click is best summarized in the Swedish word lagom which translates to not too little or too much, but optimal.

If you want to dive straight into some code examples see Introduction.

Otherwise if you what to know why anyone would want to build another web application framework read Why Click?

The Click project has been lead by Malcolm Edgar and Bob Schellink, and has included contributing developers Phil Barnes, Ahmed Mohombe, Naoki Takezoe, Christian Essl, Stephen Haberman and Ricardo Lecheta.

Latest News

20 June 2008 - Click 1.5 Milestone 2 (M2) released
The second installment of the 1.5 development branch is available for download. 1.5 is still undergoing changes and is not ready for production use. For live deployments use the latest stable release, 1.4.2.

New features include the ActionListener interface which provides compile time safety, and a new two phase listener dispatch mechanism which allows Controls to bind request parameters before listeners are fired.

See the changelog for more details.

If you are upgrading from 1.4 or earlier, please refer to the upgrade path.

18 May 2008 - Click 1.5 Milestone 1 (M1) released
We are pleased to announce the first milestone release of the new 1.5 development branch. 1.5 is still undergoing changes and is not ready for production use. Rather consider the latest stable release, 1.4.2, for live deployments.

Significant new features in 1.5 include:

A new Powered by Click section was added. If you would like to add your own site to this list, please send us a mail to one of our Mailing Lists, or directly to "sabob1 at gmail.com".

See the changelog and upgrade path for further details.

27 April 2008 - Click 1.4.2 maintenance released
Click 1.4.2 is a minor maintenance release. This release fixes a problem when using SpringClickServlet and excluded urls. We have also fixed a slight performance degradation over the 1.4 release. See the changelog for details.
6 March 2008 - ClickIDE 2.0.0. released
ClickIDE 2.0.0 provides support for Click 1.4 as well as Spring and Cayenne. See the changelog for details.
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