Click Online

Online Resources


Click home page


SourceForge Click project page


SourceForge Click file downloads

Click Blog

For the latest news and gossip

Click Examples

Click Examples application

Bugs and Issues

JIRA bug and issue tracking

Mail Lists

SourceForge Click Mail newsgroup mail lists

User Newsgroup

User newsgroup GMANE web reader

Developer Newsgroup

Developer newsgroup GMANE web reader

Maven Repository

Click JARs registered with Maven repository

Browse SVN Repository

Browse Subversion repository


FishEye SVN repository project view

Sites Using Click

Below are some of the sites and organizations that use Click.

If you would like to add your own site to this list, please send us a mail to one of our Mailing Lists, or directly to "sabob1 at". is a site testing hands-on Java skills. The test is very different from traditional multiple-choice question tests. The site asks to solve several short programming tasks and then compiles and evaluates them online.

Good programmers will enjoy taking this test; it really is a programming test, not a language test.

  • thumb better programmer
Avoka FormCenter

FormCenter is a powerful customer self service electronic forms delivery platform designed to fully leverage Adobe LiveCycle. It is a web based - customer facing solution that manages the complete life cycle of electronic forms and their associated services and data.

FormCenter has been designed for large organizations (both Corporate and Government) that need to deliver electronic form solutions. FormCenter has special features that make it suitable for a single organization hosting forms on behalf of a diverse range of departments, agencies or business partners.

  • thumb formcentral find forms
Telstra OOT

Telstra OOT provides a Business Broadband Online Ordering Tool (OOT) for Telstra.

  • thumb telstra home


Let us know of any Click related blog entries on the web so we can add them here. Send us a mail to one of our Mailing Lists, or directly to "sabob1 at".

Commercial Sponsors


Atlassian kindly provide the Confluence WIKI and the JIRA bug and issue tracking applications.

Avoka Techologies

Avoka kindly host the Click Example and Quickstart applications, and the Confluence and JIRA project management applications.


Cenqua kindly provide the FishEye repository perspective service.


SourceForge kindly provide the Enterprise Architect UML modelling tool.


SourceForge kindly provide the web site hosting, SVN hosting and many other services to Click.


YourKit is kindly supporting open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler