
Deprecated API

      @deprecated since 0.7.0; use CassandraDatacenter which is equivalent but has a less ambiguous name; Cluster in Cassandra corresponds to what Brooklyn terms a Fabric.
      Extension to LocationResolver which can take a registry.

      AggregatingEnrichers implicitly subscribes to the same sensor on all entities inside an Group and should emit an aggregate on the target sensor
      Convenience base for transforming a single sensor into a single new sensor of the same type
      Convenience base for transforming a single sensor into a single new sensor of the same type
      enricher which adds multiple sensors on an entity to produce a new sensor
      @deprecated since 0.6.0; never used in production setting, and thus of dubious value; best avoided as unlikely to be supported in future versions
      @deprecated since 0.7.0 use BrooklynMementoPersisterToMultiFile instead; the single-file version has not been tested recently or kept up-to-date.
      @deprecated since 0.7.0; use CassandraDatacenter which is equivalent but has a less ambiguous name; Cluster in Cassandra corresponds to what Brooklyn terms a Fabric.
      Subscribes to events from producers with a sensor of type T, aggregates them with the provided closure and emits the result on the target sensor V.
      @deprecated since 0.6; for use only in converting deprecated flags; will be deleted in future version.
      @deprecated since 0.7; use HttpTool
      Useful Groovy utility methods.
      A config key representing a list of values.
      Contains details of machines detected at a given cloud (ComputeService), and records claims made against those machines via this pool.
      an enricher policy which just listens for the target sensor(s) on a child entity and passes it up
      @deprecated since 0.7.0; use Enrichers.builder()
      @deprecated since 0.7; does not return exit status, stderr, etc, so utility is of very limited use; and is not used in core brooklyn at all!
      Classloading this class will cause multiply/add to be made available on TimeDuration.
      @deprecated since 0.7.0 use URLParamEncoder

      @deprecated since 0.7; use Protocol

AbstractEntity#getEffector(java.lang.String effectorName)
      Invoked by ManagementContext when this entity becomes mastered at a particular management node, including the final management end and subsequent management node master-change for this entity.
AbstractLocation#getAllConfig(boolean includeInherited)
      @deprecated since 0.7; use getLocalConfigBag()
      @deprecated since 0.5.0; instead rely on DownloadResolverManager to include local-repo, such as:
AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver#getEntityVersionLabel(java.lang.String separator)
      @deprecated since 0.5.0; instead rely on DownloadResolverManager to include local-repo
BashCommands#sudoAsUser(java.lang.String user, java.lang.String command)
      sudo to a given user and run the indicated command;
ConfigMap#getRawConfig(ConfigKey key)
      as getConfigRaw(ConfigKey) but returning null if not present
CustomAggregatingEnricher#newAveragingEnricher(java.util.Map flags, AttributeSensor source, AttributeSensor target, N defaultValueForUnreportedSensors, java.lang.Double valueToReportIfNoSensors)
      creates an enricher which averages over all children/members, defaulting to excluding sensors which have not published anything (or published null), and null if there are no sensors; this behaviour can be customised, both default value for sensors, and what to report if no sensors
CustomAggregatingEnricher#newEnricher(java.util.Map flags, AttributeSensor source, AttributeSensor target, groovy.lang.Closure aggregator, S defaultVal)
      Instead, consider calling:
 Enrichers.Builder builder = Enrichers.builder()
CustomAggregatingEnricher#newEnricher(java.util.Map flags, AttributeSensor source, AttributeSensor target, Function aggregator, S defaultVal)
      Instead, consider calling:
 Enrichers.Builder builder = Enrichers.builder()
CustomAggregatingEnricher#newSummingEnricher(java.util.Map flags, AttributeSensor source, AttributeSensor target, N defaultValueForUnreportedSensors, java.lang.Object valueToReportIfNoSensors)
      creates an enricher which sums over all children/members, defaulting to excluding sensors which have not published anything (or published null), and null if there are no sensors; this behaviour can be customised, both default value for sensors, and what to report if no sensors
      @deprecated since 0.6.0; subclasses should instead override pickAndRemoveMembers(int) if they really need to!
      Returns the last task queued in this context, or null if none.
Entities#manage(Location loc, ManagementContext managementContext)
      Registers the given location (and all its children) with the management context.
EntityLocal#getConfig(ConfigKey key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
      sets the value of the given attribute sensor from the config key value herein, // * if the config key resolves to a non-null value as a sensor // * // * @deprecated since 0.5; use setAttribute(AttributeSensor, Object), such as // *
//     * T val = getConfig(KEY.getConfigKey());
//     * if (val !
Exceptions#propagateCollapsed(java.lang.Throwable source)
      removes uninteresting items from the top of the call stack (but keeps interesting messages), and throws
ExecutionUtils#invoke(java.lang.Object callable, java.lang.Object args)
      Attempts to run/call the given object, with the given arguments if possible, preserving the return value if there is one (null otherwise); throws exception if the callable is a non-null object which cannot be invoked (not a callable or runnable)
FlagUtils#setAllConfigKeys(java.util.Map flagsOrConfig, Configurable instance)
      sets _all_ accessible _ConfigKey_ and HasConfigKey fields on the given object, using the indicated flags/config-bag
FlagUtils#setAllConfigKeys(Configurable o, ConfigBag bag)
      sets _all_ accessible _ConfigKey_ and HasConfigKey fields on the given object, using the indicated flags/config-bag
      @deprecated since 0.5; use getManagementHttpPort() instead
JmxNotificationFilters#matchesTypeRegex(java.lang.String typeRegex)
since 0.6.0; only works if this brooklyn class is on the classpath of the JVM that your subscribing to notifications on (because it tries to push the filter instance to that JVM).
LanguageUtils#addToMapOfLists(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object valueInCollection)
      as addToMapOfSets(Map, Object, Object) but for java.util.ArrayList
LanguageUtils#addToMapOfSets(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object valueInCollection)
      Adds the given value to a collection in the map under the key.
      @deprecated use Identifiers.makeRandomId(8)
LanguageUtils#removeFromMapOfCollections(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object valueInCollection)
      Removes the given value from a collection in the map under the key.
LocalSubscriptionManager#removeFromMapOfCollections(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object valueInCollection)
      Copied from LanguageUtils.groovy, to remove dependency.
LocationManager#manage(Location loc)
      Begins management for the given location and its children, recursively.
ProcessTool#execProcesses(java.util.List cmds, java.util.Map env, out, err, java.lang.String separator, java.lang.Object contextForLogging)
      as execProcesses(List, Map, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, boolean, Object) but not using a login shell
ProcessTool#execProcesses(java.util.List cmds, java.util.Map env, out, err, java.lang.String separator, boolean asLoginShell, java.lang.Object contextForLogging)
      @deprecated since 0.7; use execProcesses(List, Map, File, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, boolean, Object)
ProcessTool#execSingleProcess(java.util.List cmdWords, java.util.Map env, out, err, java.lang.Object contextForLogging)
      @deprecated since 0.7; use execSingleProcess(List, Map, File, OutputStream, OutputStream, Object)
Repeater#every(long duration)
      @see #every(long, TimeUnit)
SensorPropagatingEnricher#newInstanceRenaming(Entity source, java.util.Map sensors)
      listens to sensors from source, propagates them here renamed according to the map
SensorTransformingEnricher#newInstanceTransforming(Entity producer, AttributeSensor source, Function transformation, AttributeSensor target)
      creates an enricher which listens to a source (from the producer), transforms it and publishes it under the target
      returns the last task in the queue, or null if none
TestUtils#assertAttributeContinually(Entity entity, AttributeSensor attribute, java.lang.Object expected)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use EntityTestUtils#assertAttributeEqualsContinually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)#assertAttributeEqualsContinually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)
TestUtils#assertAttributeEventually(Entity entity, AttributeSensor attribute, java.lang.Object expected)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use EntityTestUtils#assertAttributeEqualsEventually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)#assertAttributeEqualsEventually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)
TestUtils#assertContinually(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)
TestUtils#assertContinually(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate, java.lang.String errMsg, long durationMs)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)
TestUtils#assertContinually(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate, java.lang.String errMsg)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)
TestUtils#assertContinuallyFromJava(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)
TestUtils#assertEventually(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#eventually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)#eventually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)
TestUtils#assertEventually(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate, java.lang.String errMsg)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#eventually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)#eventually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)
TestUtils#assertEventually(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.util.concurrent.Callable c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts.succeedsEventually
TestUtils#assertEventually(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.lang.Runnable c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)
TestUtils#assertFails(java.lang.Runnable c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#assertFails(Runnable)#assertFails(Runnable)
TestUtils#assertFailsWith(java.lang.Runnable c, groovy.lang.Closure exceptionChecker)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#assertFailsWith(Closure)#assertFailsWith(Closure)
TestUtils#assertFailsWith(java.lang.Runnable c, java.lang.Class validException, java.lang.Class otherValidExceptions)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts.assertFailsWith
TestUtils#assertFailsWith(java.lang.Runnable c, Predicate exceptionChecker)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#assertFailsWith(Runnable, Predicate)#assertFailsWith(Runnable, Predicate)
TestUtils#assertNonEmpty(java.lang.Iterable c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use assertFalse(Iterables.isEmpty(c))
TestUtils#assertSize(java.lang.Iterable c, int expectedSize)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use assertEquals(Iterables.size(c), expectedSize)
TestUtils#assertSucceedsContinually(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.lang.Runnable job)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsContinually(Map, Runnable)#succeedsContinually(Map, Runnable)
TestUtils#assertSucceedsContinually(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.util.concurrent.Callable job)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsContinually(Map, Callable)#succeedsContinually(Map, Callable)
TestUtils#assertUrlStatusCodeEventually(java.lang.String url, int expected)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use HttpTestUtils#assertHttpStatusCodeEquals(String, int)#assertHttpStatusCodeEquals(String, int)
TestUtils#connectToURL(java.lang.String url)
      Connects to the given url and returns the connection.
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceeds(java.util.Map flags = [:], groovy.lang.Closure c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceeds(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.util.concurrent.Callable c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceeds(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.lang.Runnable r)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceedsElseShutdown(java.util.Map flags = [:], Entity entity, groovy.lang.Closure c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable), and tear-down with AfterMethod.
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(java.util.Map flags = [:], groovy.lang.Closure c, groovy.lang.Closure finallyBlock = {})
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable), and tear-down with AfterMethod.
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.util.concurrent.Callable c, groovy.lang.Closure finallyBlock = {})
      Convenience method for cases where we need to test until something is true.
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlockInternal(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.util.concurrent.Callable c, groovy.lang.Closure finallyBlock = {})
      the "real" implementation, renamed to allow multiple entry points (depending whether closure cast to callable)
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceedsWithShutdown(java.util.Map flags = [:], Entity entity, groovy.lang.Closure c)
      convenience for entities to ensure they shutdown afterwards.
TestUtils#getResource(java.lang.String path, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use ResourceUtils
TestUtils#isPortInUse(int port, long retryAfterMillis = 0)
      True if two attempts to connect to the port succeed.
TestUtils#toTimeDuration(java.lang.Object duration)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use long and java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
TestUtils#toTimeDuration(java.lang.Object duration, groovy.time.TimeDuration defaultVal)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use long and java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
TestUtils#urlRespondsStatusCode(java.lang.String url)
      Connects to the given HTTP URL and asserts that the response had status code 200.
TestUtils#urlRespondsWithStatusCode200(java.lang.String url)
      Connects to the given HTTP URL and asserts that the response had status code 200.

AbstractApplication#AbstractApplication(java.util.Map properties)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use EntitySpec so no-arg constructor
AbstractApplication#AbstractApplication(java.util.Map properties, Entity parent)
      Constructor for when application is nested inside another application
AbstractEntity#AbstractEntity(java.util.Map flags)
      @deprecated since 0.5; instead use no-arg constructor with EntityManager().createEntity(spec)
AbstractEntity#AbstractEntity(Entity parent)
      @deprecated since 0.5; instead use no-arg constructor with EntityManager().createEntity(spec)
JcloudsSshMachineLocation#JcloudsSshMachineLocation(java.util.Map flags, JcloudsLocation jcloudsParent, NodeMetadata node)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use LocationSpec (which calls no-arg constructor)
LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation#LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation(java.util.Map properties)
      @param properties the properties of the new instance.
SensorPropagatingEnricher#SensorPropagatingEnricher(Entity source, Sensor sensors)
      @deprecated since 0.7.0; use Enrichers#builder()#builder()
SensorPropagatingEnricher#SensorPropagatingEnricher(Entity source, java.util.Collection sensors)
      Instead, consider calling:

Brooklyn Multi-Cloud Application Management Platform Apache License. © 2012.