[Java] Interface ManagementContext

public interface ManagementContext

This is the entry point for accessing and interacting with a realm of applications and their entities in Brooklyn. For example, policies and the management console(s) (web-app, etc) can use this to interact with entities; policies, web-app, and entities share the realm for subscribing to events, executing tasks, and generally co-existing.

It may refer to several applications, and it refers to all the entities descended from those applications.

Method Summary
java.util.Collection getApplications()

All applications under control of this management plane

BrooklynCatalog getCatalog()

StringConfigMap getConfig()

Whether this management context is still running, or has been terminated.

java.util.Collection getEntities()

Entity getEntity(java.lang.String id)

DownloadResolverManager getEntityDownloadsManager()

Returns the DownloadResolverManager for resolving things like which URL to download an installer from.

EntityDriverManager getEntityDriverFactory()

@deprecated since 0.5; use getEntityDriverManager()

EntityDriverManager getEntityDriverManager()

Returns the EntityDriverManager entities can use to create drivers.

EntityManager getEntityManager()

Returns the EntityManager instance for managing/querying entities.

ExecutionContext getExecutionContext(Entity entity)

Returns an ExecutionContext instance representing tasks (from the ExecutionManager) associated with this entity, and capable of conveniently running such tasks which will be associated with that entity

ExecutionManager getExecutionManager()

Returns the ExecutionManager instance for entities and users in this management realm to submit tasks and to observe what tasks are occurring

LocationRegistry getLocationRegistry()

RebindManager getRebindManager()

SubscriptionContext getSubscriptionContext(Entity entity)

SubscriptionManager getSubscriptionManager()

Returns the SubscriptionManager instance for entities and users of this management realm to subscribe to sensor events (and, in the case of entities, to emit sensor events)

boolean isManaged(Entity entity)

boolean isRunning()

Record of configured locations and location resolvers

void manage(Entity e)

void unmanage(Entity e)


Method Detail


public java.util.Collection getApplications()
All applications under control of this management plane


public BrooklynCatalog getCatalog()


public StringConfigMap getConfig()
Whether this management context is still running, or has been terminated.


* @deprecated Use getEntityManager().getEntity(String) instead; deprecated in 0.5
public java.util.Collection getEntities()


* @deprecated Use getEntityManager().isManaged(Entity) instead; deprecated in 0.5
public Entity getEntity(java.lang.String id)


public DownloadResolverManager getEntityDownloadsManager()
Returns the DownloadResolverManager for resolving things like which URL to download an installer from. The default DownloadResolverManager will retrieve entity.getAttribute(Attributes.DOWNLOAD_URL), and substitute things like "${version}" etc. However, additional resolvers can be registered to customize this behaviour (e.g. to always go to an enterprise's repository).


public EntityDriverManager getEntityDriverFactory()
since 0.5; use getEntityDriverManager()


public EntityDriverManager getEntityDriverManager()
Returns the EntityDriverManager entities can use to create drivers. This manager can also be used to programmatically customize which driver type to use for entities in different locations. The default strategy for choosing a driver is to use a naming convention: DriverDependentEntity#getDriverInterface()#getDriverInterface() returns the interface that the driver must implement; its name should end in "Driver". For example, this suffix is replaced with "SshDriver" for SshMachineLocation, for example.


public EntityManager getEntityManager()
Returns the EntityManager instance for managing/querying entities.


public ExecutionContext getExecutionContext(Entity entity)
Returns an ExecutionContext instance representing tasks (from the ExecutionManager) associated with this entity, and capable of conveniently running such tasks which will be associated with that entity


public ExecutionManager getExecutionManager()
Returns the ExecutionManager instance for entities and users in this management realm to submit tasks and to observe what tasks are occurring


public LocationRegistry getLocationRegistry()


public RebindManager getRebindManager()


public SubscriptionContext getSubscriptionContext(Entity entity)


public SubscriptionManager getSubscriptionManager()
Returns the SubscriptionManager instance for entities and users of this management realm to subscribe to sensor events (and, in the case of entities, to emit sensor events)


* @deprecated Use getEntityManager().manage(Entity) instead; deprecated in 0.5
public boolean isManaged(Entity entity)


public boolean isRunning()
Record of configured locations and location resolvers


* @deprecated Use getEntityManager().unmanage(Entity) instead; deprecated in 0.5
public void manage(Entity e)


public void unmanage(Entity e)


Brooklyn Multi-Cloud Application Management Platform Apache License. © 2012.