Fileset Declarations


Declaration of a set of jar files to include.


Attribute Required Description
dir yes An absolute or relative file path that serves as the relative base directory for the resolution of included entries. If the supplied value is a relative path, the path will be resolved relative to the merlin.anchor system parameter. If no include directives are contained in the fileset specification, then the fileset behavior defaults to adding the directory specified by the dir attribute to the classpath.

Nested Elements

Element Occurance Description
include 0..n Declaration of jar file(s) within the fileset directory to be included in the classloader. Ant-like wildcard patterns are supported.
exclude 0..n Declaration of jar file(s) within the fileset directory to be excluded from the classloader. Ant-like wildcard patterns are supported.

Sample XML

<fileset dir="lib">
  <include name="**/*.jar"/>
  <exclude name="*-dev*"/>