

The exception utility contains a single class ExceptionHelper that provides a set of static methods for generating exception reports that take into consideration a causal chain.

    // do stuff
catch( Throwable e )
    final String message = 
      "A problem occured.";
    final String error = ExceptionHelper.packException( message, e, true );
    System.out.println( error );

The above code results in the creation of report similar to the following:

---- exception report ----------------------------------------------------------
An error occured.
Exception: org.apache.avalon.util.exception.StandardException
Message: Unable to do something due to a error condition.
---- cause ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exception: org.apache.avalon.util.exception.StandardRuntimeException
Message: Unable to do something else due to a error condition.
---- cause ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exception: org.apache.avalon.util.exception.StandardError
Message: Raising exception because that's what I'm programmed to do.