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Http Facility

The Http Facility is a collection of componentized Jetty parts, that allows you to configure Jetty in practically any way you want. It also connects into the Merlin component model, and you can make components that serves HTTP requests.

Component Requirement

The components that wishes to serve HTTP requests need to implement org.apache.avalon.http.HttpRequestHandler, which is a stripped down version of Jetty's org.mortbay.http.HttpHandler, taking the same arguments.

Assembled Facility

To make life easier for everyone involved, we have assembled a couple of standard Jetty configurations, and these can easily be included in your application with a single <include> in your block file. The configuration details can be overriden by the standard 'targets' mechanism in Merlin, which allows named targets, configuration and parameters, to be assigned to blocks or part of the blocks.

Facility Parts

The Facility Parts are basically the components that has been created around the Jetty classes to make this work. Some of these components are also assembled into slightly bigger parts, to be more easily used in complete Assembled Http Facilities.