Avalon Plugin for Maven
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Avalon Meta Plugin for Maven
Property name Optional? Description
avalon.meta.format Yes

Output format specification. Valid values include 'xml' or 'serial'. The xml value instructs the meta generator to create meta descriptions in an XML format whereas the 'serial' value generates a serialized description of the descriptor. Serial format is more efficient. The XML format is more portable.

Default behaviour:

avalon.meta.format = xml
avalon.meta.force Yes

Policy controlling the regeneration of meta descriptors independently of the descriptor data. This value default to false.

Default behaviour:

avalon.meta.force = false
avalon.meta.type.postfix No

Avalon will default to the generation of XML type descriptors under the .xinfo file type. When generating meta-info descriptors targetted for deployment in both Merlin and Phoenix, the xinfo type will conflict with the Phoenix meta-info descriptor. Avalon Plugin provides support for generation of meta info under the alternative .xtype. To control the type of file generated, you can declare either "xinfo" or "xtype" under this property.

Default behaviour:

avalon.meta.type.postfix= xinfo

Alternative xtype behaviour:

avalon.meta.type.postfix = xtype