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Bar Task

The bar task generates a bar archive. A bar achive is a jar file the represents a group within a repository. The manifest contains the group identifier. A bar archive is typically used to bundle application resources as an installable unit.

The bar file content is created using ${basedir}/target/deliverables as the input data. An md5 file is automatically generated.

    [mkdir] Created dir: F:\dev\avalon\tools\magic\target\deliverables\bars
      [jar] Building jar: F:\dev\avalon\tools\magic\target\deliverables\bars\
    [x:bar] Creating md5 checksum

An example bar manifest is shown below:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.1
Created-By: Apache Avalon
Built-By: mcconnell

Name: Block
Block-Group: avalon/tools
Block-Name: avalon-tools-magic