Avalon Castle - Managed Extensions
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Exposing the server

ManagementExtensions hides from developer all the complexity dealing with .Net Remoting architecture. To expose your MServer through TCP (or HTTP) you need to create a MConnectorServer instance. By now the only formatter supported is the binary one.

MConnectorServer serverConn = 
   MConnectorServerFactory.CreateServer( "provider:http:binary:test.rem", null, null );

ManagedObjectName name = new ManagedObjectName("connector.http:formatter=binary");

server.RegisterManagedObject( serverConn, name );
Connecting to server

The same strategy is used to connect from a client. Once you've connected, you can extract the component tree from MServer, invoke methods and change component attributes.

MConnector connector = 
   MConnectorFactory.CreateConnector( "provider:http:binary:test.rem", null );
MServer server = (MServer) connector.ServerConnection;
String[] domains = server.GetDomains();

Obviously the connection string must match. You can use ASP.Net or Winforms to construct a client application for manage your application. Unfortunatelly, due to license issues, we can't provide a sample using either of these technologies. But you can see the test cases to get a glimpse of how it can be accomplished.