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Niclas Hedhman

(niclas at apache dot org)

Niclas joined the Avalon community in 2003, and has since then stepped up and taken on Merlin to the full extent. He also has a strong interest in productification and automated build processes.

Born in 1964 in Sweden, he has no formal education, and went straight from senior high school to become a software developer at Exomatic AB, mostly responsible for the embedded real-time operating system, the EXOL programming language byte code compiler and interpreter. His career has since mainly been with Process Control and Industrial Automation applications.

Niclas started programming Java in 1996, and quickly got involved in Java RMI, and was in 2000 invited by Sun Microsystems to be part of the Expert Group of JSR-78, Custom Remote References.

Niclas lives, works and enjoys life in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He says the relaxed attitude, stress-free environment and low cost of living makes Kuala Lumpur a perfect environment for software development. The high-tech widget/gadget crazy people, makes the region the fore-runner of many new technologies, adding icing to the cake of living and working in this vibrant city.