Logging Directive


Attribute Required Description
priority no The default logging priority level. Allowable values include INFO, WARN, ERROR, and DEBUG.
target no The name of the default logging target.

Nested Elements

Element Cardinality Description
target n Logging target declartation.
category n Internal kernel logging category directive.


Logging services build above the Avalon framework abstract logging infrastructure. Merlin provides the mechanisms through which logging hierarchies can be created, logging priorities assigned, and definition of log event output targets. Logging directives may be includes at the kernel, container and component levels.

A kernel may be configured with an optional logging system creation directive. The logging element declares the application wide default logging priority. A target element enables definition of a logging file to which log entries will be directed. The target name attribute is the name referenced by category elements defined within the loggers element. Child category declarations must include a name (the logging category), and may optionally include a target and a priority attribute. The target defaults of "default" which corresponds to a internal default logging target that issue messages to System.out (unless overridden by a target named default). If the target is declared inside a category element, it must refer to a named target element. The priority attribute may container one of the values DEBUG , INFO , WARN or ERROR . The target must contain a single file element with the attribute location the corresponds to the name of the logging file.

Sample XML

    <logging priority="INFO" target="kernel">
      <target name="kernel">
        <file location="kernel.log" />;