Block Service Export

Nested Elements

Element Occurance Description
service 0..n Publication of a service exported by the block.


Declaration of the set of services the a block exports. Collectively the service set represent the services that that block provides in its role as a composite component.

Sample XML

The following XML is a sample of a service export declaration within a sample block defintion.

 <!-- block implementation declaration -->
<container name="locator">

   <!-- declaration of one or more services and the underling provider -->

     <service type="tutorial.location.LocationService">

         <resource id="avalon-framework:avalon-framework-api" version="4.1.5"/>
         <resource id="avalon-framework:avalon-framework-impl" version="4.1.5"/>
         <resource id="merlin-tutorial:locator-api" version="1.0"/>
         <resource id="merlin-tutorial:locator-impl" version="1.0"/>

   <!-- the service provider component -->

   <component name="info" 
