Avalon LoggingLogkit Configuration ExampleThe following is an example of a LogKit configuration. The example establishes three target, a file target, a console stream target, and a multicast target. Logging events are assigned to the multicast target resulting in event delivery to both the file and console. The formats of the respective targets are selected for the relative roles. The file target handles full reporting with stack trace information. The console target handles a more consolidated error reporting scheme. XML<logging> <!-- Declaration of a set of logging targets. --> <targets> <!-- This target establishes output to the the System.out stream. The format argument ensures that we don't get stack traces - but just the error report. --> <stream id="standard"> <name>System.out</name> <format type="console"/> </stream> <!-- This target logs to a rotating file located in target/simple-XXX.log --> <file id="simple"> <filename>simple.log</filename> <append>true</append> <rotation type="revolving" init="1" max="10"> <size>100k</size> </rotation> </file> <!-- The multicast target redirects log event to a set of named targets. --> <multicast id="multicast"> <targetref id="standard"/> <targetref id="simple"/> </multicast> </targets> <!-- Declaration of the initial logging categories. These categories and the respective priorities and assigned targets are used by the testcase to validate that the logging system is functioning properly. --> <categories priority="info" target="multicast"> <categories name="kernel"> <categories name="logger" priority="warn"> <category name="test" priority="fatal_error"/> </categories> <category name="roger-ramjet" priority="debug"/> </categories> </categories> <!-- Selection of the logging channel for use by the logging system following establishment of inital targets and categories. --> <logger name="kernel.logger"/> </logging> |