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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.archiva.web.xmlrpc.api.AdministrationService;
 import org.apache.archiva.web.xmlrpc.api.beans.ManagedRepository;
 import org.apache.archiva.web.xmlrpc.api.beans.RemoteRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.ArchivaConfiguration;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.Configuration;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.DatabaseScanningConfiguration;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.IndeterminateConfigurationException;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.ManagedRepositoryConfiguration;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.RemoteRepositoryConfiguration;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.RepositoryScanningConfiguration;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.consumers.InvalidRepositoryContentConsumer;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.consumers.KnownRepositoryContentConsumer;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.ArchivaDatabaseException;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.ArtifactDAO;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.constraints.ArtifactVersionsConstraint;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.updater.DatabaseCleanupConsumer;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.updater.DatabaseConsumers;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.updater.DatabaseUnprocessedArtifactConsumer;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.model.ArchivaArtifact;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.model.VersionedReference;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.ContentNotFoundException;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.ManagedRepositoryContent;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.RepositoryContentFactory;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.RepositoryException;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.RepositoryNotFoundException;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.scanner.RepositoryContentConsumers;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.scheduled.ArchivaTaskScheduler;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.scheduled.tasks.DatabaseTask;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.scheduled.tasks.RepositoryTask;
 import org.apache.maven.archiva.scheduled.tasks.TaskCreator;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.registry.RegistryException;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
  * AdministrationServiceImpl
  * @version $Id:
 public class AdministrationServiceImpl
     implements AdministrationService
 69  0
     protected Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( getClass() );
     private ArchivaConfiguration archivaConfiguration;
     private RepositoryContentConsumers repoConsumersUtil;
     private DatabaseConsumers dbConsumersUtil;
     private RepositoryContentFactory repoFactory;
     private ArtifactDAO artifactDAO;
     private ArchivaTaskScheduler taskScheduler;
     private Collection<RepositoryListener> listeners;
     public AdministrationServiceImpl( ArchivaConfiguration archivaConfig, RepositoryContentConsumers repoConsumersUtil,
                                       DatabaseConsumers dbConsumersUtil, RepositoryContentFactory repoFactory,
                                       ArtifactDAO artifactDAO, ArchivaTaskScheduler taskScheduler,
                                       Collection<RepositoryListener> listeners )
 89  0
 90  0
         this.archivaConfiguration = archivaConfig;
 91  0
         this.repoConsumersUtil = repoConsumersUtil;
 92  0
         this.dbConsumersUtil = dbConsumersUtil;
 93  0
         this.repoFactory = repoFactory;
 94  0
         this.artifactDAO = artifactDAO;
 95  0
         this.taskScheduler = taskScheduler;
 96  0
         this.listeners = listeners;
 97  0
      * @see AdministrationService#configureDatabaseConsumer(String, boolean)
     public Boolean configureDatabaseConsumer( String consumerId, boolean enable ) throws Exception
 104  0
         List<DatabaseCleanupConsumer> cleanupConsumers = dbConsumersUtil.getAvailableCleanupConsumers();
 105  0
         List<DatabaseUnprocessedArtifactConsumer> unprocessedConsumers =
 108  0
         boolean found = false;
 109  0
         boolean isCleanupConsumer = false;        
 110  0
         for( DatabaseCleanupConsumer consumer : cleanupConsumers )
 112  0
             if( consumer.getId().equals( consumerId ) )
 114  0
                 found = true;
 115  0
                 isCleanupConsumer = true;
 116  0
 120  0
         if( !found )
 122  0
             for( DatabaseUnprocessedArtifactConsumer consumer : unprocessedConsumers )
 124  0
                 if( consumer.getId().equals( consumerId ) )
 126  0
                     found = true;
 127  0
 132  0
         if( !found )
 134  0
             throw new Exception( "Invalid database consumer." );
 137  0
         Configuration config = archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration();
 138  0
         DatabaseScanningConfiguration dbScanningConfig = config.getDatabaseScanning();
 140  0
         if( isCleanupConsumer )
 142  0
             dbScanningConfig.addCleanupConsumer( consumerId );            
 146  0
             dbScanningConfig.addUnprocessedConsumer( consumerId );
 149  0
         config.setDatabaseScanning( dbScanningConfig );        
 150  0
         saveConfiguration( config );
 152  0
         return new Boolean( true );
      * @see AdministrationService#configureRepositoryConsumer(String, String, boolean)
     public Boolean configureRepositoryConsumer( String repoId, String consumerId, boolean enable )
         throws Exception
         // TODO use repoId once consumers are configured per repository! (MRM-930)
 163  0
         List<KnownRepositoryContentConsumer> knownConsumers = repoConsumersUtil.getAvailableKnownConsumers();
 164  0
         List<InvalidRepositoryContentConsumer> invalidConsumers = repoConsumersUtil.getAvailableInvalidConsumers();
 166  0
         boolean found = false;
 167  0
         boolean isKnownContentConsumer = false;
 168  0
         for( KnownRepositoryContentConsumer consumer : knownConsumers )
 170  0
             if( consumer.getId().equals( consumerId ) )
 172  0
                 found = true;
 173  0
                 isKnownContentConsumer = true;
 174  0
 178  0
         if( !found )
 180  0
             for( InvalidRepositoryContentConsumer consumer : invalidConsumers )
 182  0
                 if( consumer.getId().equals( consumerId ) )
 184  0
                     found = true;
 185  0
 190  0
         if( !found )
 192  0
             throw new Exception( "Invalid repository consumer." );
 195  0
         Configuration config = archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration();
 196  0
         RepositoryScanningConfiguration repoScanningConfig = config.getRepositoryScanning();
 198  0
         if( isKnownContentConsumer )
 200  0
             repoScanningConfig.addKnownContentConsumer( consumerId );
 204  0
             repoScanningConfig.addInvalidContentConsumer( consumerId );
 207  0
         config.setRepositoryScanning( repoScanningConfig );        
 208  0
         saveConfiguration( config );
 210  0
         return new Boolean( true );
      * @see AdministrationService#deleteArtifact(String, String, String, String)
     public Boolean deleteArtifact( String repoId, String groupId, String artifactId, String version )
         throws Exception
 219  0
         Configuration config = archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration();
 220  0
         ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repoConfig = config.findManagedRepositoryById( repoId );
 222  0
         if( repoConfig == null )
 224  0
             throw new Exception( "Repository does not exist." );
 229  0
             ManagedRepositoryContent repoContent = repoFactory.getManagedRepositoryContent( repoId );            
 230  0
             VersionedReference ref = new VersionedReference();
 231  0
             ref.setGroupId( groupId );
 232  0
             ref.setArtifactId( artifactId );
 233  0
             ref.setVersion( version );
             // delete from file system
 236  0
             repoContent.deleteVersion( ref );
 238  0
             ArtifactVersionsConstraint constraint = new ArtifactVersionsConstraint( repoId, groupId, artifactId, false );
 239  0
             List<ArchivaArtifact> artifacts = null;
 243  0
                 artifacts = artifactDAO.queryArtifacts( constraint );
 245  0
             catch ( ArchivaDatabaseException e )
 247  0
                 throw new Exception( "Error occurred while cleaning up database." );
 248  0
 250  0
             if ( artifacts != null )
 252  0
                 for ( ArchivaArtifact artifact : artifacts )
 254  0
                     if ( artifact.getVersion().equals( version ) )
 256  0
                         for ( RepositoryListener listener : listeners )
 258  0
                             listener.deleteArtifact( repoContent, artifact );
 264  0
         catch ( ContentNotFoundException e )
 266  0
             throw new Exception( "Artifact does not exist." );
 268  0
         catch ( RepositoryNotFoundException e )
 270  0
             throw new Exception( "Repository does not exist." );
 272  0
         catch ( RepositoryException e )
 274  0
             throw new Exception( "Repository exception occurred." );
 275  0
 277  0
         return new Boolean( true );
      * @see AdministrationService#executeDatabaseScanner()
     public Boolean executeDatabaseScanner() throws Exception
 285  0
         if ( taskScheduler.isProcessingDatabaseTask() )
 287  0
             return false;
 290  0 "Queueing database task on request from administration service" );
 291  0
         DatabaseTask task = new DatabaseTask();
 293  0
         taskScheduler.queueDatabaseTask( task );           
 295  0
         return new Boolean( true );
      * @see AdministrationService#executeRepositoryScanner(String)
     public Boolean executeRepositoryScanner( String repoId ) throws Exception
 303  0
         Configuration config = archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration();
 304  0
         if( config.findManagedRepositoryById( repoId ) == null )
 306  0
             throw new Exception( "Repository does not exist." );
 309  0
         if ( taskScheduler.isProcessingRepositoryTask( repoId ) )
 311  0
             return false;
 314  0
         RepositoryTask task = TaskCreator.createRepositoryTask( repoId );
 316  0
         taskScheduler.queueRepositoryTask( task );          
 318  0
         return new Boolean( true );
      * @see AdministrationService#getAllDatabaseConsumers()
     public List<String> getAllDatabaseConsumers()
 326  0
         List<String> consumers = new ArrayList<String>();
 328  0
         List<DatabaseCleanupConsumer> cleanupConsumers = dbConsumersUtil.getAvailableCleanupConsumers();
 329  0
         List<DatabaseUnprocessedArtifactConsumer> unprocessedConsumers = dbConsumersUtil.getAvailableUnprocessedConsumers();
 331  0
         for( DatabaseCleanupConsumer consumer : cleanupConsumers )
 333  0
             consumers.add( consumer.getId() );
 336  0
         for( DatabaseUnprocessedArtifactConsumer consumer : unprocessedConsumers )
 338  0
             consumers.add( consumer.getId() );
 341  0
         return consumers;
      * @see AdministrationService#getAllRepositoryConsumers()
     public List<String> getAllRepositoryConsumers()
 349  0
         List<String> consumers = new ArrayList<String>();
 351  0
         List<KnownRepositoryContentConsumer> knownConsumers = repoConsumersUtil.getAvailableKnownConsumers();
 352  0
         List<InvalidRepositoryContentConsumer> invalidConsumers = repoConsumersUtil.getAvailableInvalidConsumers();
 354  0
         for( KnownRepositoryContentConsumer consumer : knownConsumers )
 356  0
             consumers.add( consumer.getId() );
 359  0
         for( InvalidRepositoryContentConsumer consumer : invalidConsumers )
 361  0
             consumers.add( consumer.getId() );
 364  0
         return consumers;
      * @see AdministrationService#getAllManagedRepositories()
     public List<ManagedRepository> getAllManagedRepositories()
 372  0
         List<ManagedRepository> managedRepos = new ArrayList<ManagedRepository>();
 374  0
         Configuration config = archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration();
 375  0
         List<ManagedRepositoryConfiguration> managedRepoConfigs = config.getManagedRepositories();
 377  0
         for( ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repoConfig : managedRepoConfigs )
             // TODO fix resolution of repo url!            
 380  0
             ManagedRepository repo =
                 new ManagedRepository( repoConfig.getId(), repoConfig.getName(), "URL", repoConfig.getLayout(),
                                        repoConfig.isSnapshots(), repoConfig.isReleases() );  
 383  0
             managedRepos.add( repo );
 384  0
 386  0
         return managedRepos;
      * @see AdministrationService#getAllRemoteRepositories()
     public List<RemoteRepository> getAllRemoteRepositories()
 394  0
         List<RemoteRepository> remoteRepos = new ArrayList<RemoteRepository>();
 396  0
         Configuration config = archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration();
 397  0
         List<RemoteRepositoryConfiguration> remoteRepoConfigs = config.getRemoteRepositories();
 399  0
         for( RemoteRepositoryConfiguration repoConfig : remoteRepoConfigs )
 401  0
             RemoteRepository repo =
                 new RemoteRepository( repoConfig.getId(), repoConfig.getName(), repoConfig.getUrl(),
                                       repoConfig.getLayout() );
 404  0
             remoteRepos.add( repo );
 405  0
 407  0
         return remoteRepos;
     private void saveConfiguration( Configuration config )
         throws Exception
 415  0
    config );
 417  0
         catch(  RegistryException e )
 419  0
             throw new Exception( "Error occurred in the registry." );
 421  0
         catch ( IndeterminateConfigurationException e )
 423  0
             throw new Exception( "Error occurred while saving the configuration." );    
 424  0
 425  0