Archiva Web :: REST support :: Api
Archiva is an application for managing one or more remote repositories, including administration, artifact handling, browsing and searching.
The resources use a data model that is supported by a set of client-side libraries that are made available on the files and libraries page.
There is a WADL document available that describes the resources API.
You may also enjoy the Swagger UI provided for this API.
- ArchivaAdministrationService
- ArchivaRuntimeConfigurationService
- BrowseService
- CommonServices
- ManagedRepositoriesService
- MergeRepositoriesService
- NetworkProxyService
- PingService
- PluginsService
- ProxyConnectorRuleService
- ProxyConnectorService
- RedbackRuntimeConfigurationService
- RemoteRepositoriesService
- ReportRepositoriesService
- RepositoriesService
- RepositoryGroupService
- SearchService
- SystemStatusService
Data Types
Default Namespace (schema)
- abstractImplementationInformation
- abstractRepository
- abstractRepositoryConnector
- adminRepositoryConsumer
- archivaRepositoryStatistics
- archivaRuntimeConfiguration
- artifact
- artifactContent
- artifactContentEntry
- artifactTransferRequest
- browseResult
- browseResultEntry
- cacheConfiguration
- cacheEntry
- checksumSearch
- ciManagement
- consumerScanningStatistics
- dependency
- entry
- facetedMetadata
- fileLockConfiguration
- fileType
- groupIdList
- issueManagement
- ldapConfiguration
- ldapGroupMapping
- legacyArtifactPath
- license
- mailingList
- managedRepository
- metadataAddRequest
- networkConfiguration
- networkProxy
- organisationInformation
- organization
- policyInformation
- projectVersionMetadata
- propertyEntry
- proxyConnector
- proxyConnectorRule
- proxyConnectorRuleType
- queueEntry
- RBACManagerImplementationInformation
- redbackImplementationsInformations
- redbackRuntimeConfiguration
- remoteRepository
- repositoryGroup
- repositoryProblemFacet
- repositoryScannerStatistics
- repositoryScanStatistics
- repositoryStatistics
- scm
- searchRequest
- stringList
- treeEntry
- uiConfiguration
- userManagerImplementationInformation
- versionsList