PasswordService Resource

GET /passwordService/changePassword

used to change the password on passwordChangeRequired state.

Request Parameters
name type description default
password query n/a
passwordConfirmation query n/a
previousPassword query n/a
userName query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml user (XML)
text/plain (custom)

GET /passwordService/changePasswordWithKey

used to change the password on first user connection after registration use. the key is mandatory and a control will be done on the username provided. need to be logged by {@link UserService#validateUserFromKey(String)}

Request Parameters
name type description default
key query n/a
password query n/a
passwordConfirmation query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml user (XML)
text/plain (custom)