RepositoriesService Resource

GET /repositoriesService/alreadyScanning/{repositoryId}

Request Parameters
name type description default
repositoryId path n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)

POST /repositoriesService/copyArtifact

permissions are checked in impl will copy an artifact from the source repository to the target repository

Request Body
media type data type
application/json ArtifactTransferRequest (JSON)
application/xml artifactTransferRequest (XML)
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)
Available Since

POST /repositoriesService/deleteArtifact

permissions are checked in impl

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type
application/json Artifact (JSON)
application/xml artifact (XML)
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)
Available Since

GET /repositoriesService/deleteGroupId

permissions are checked in impl

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
groupId query n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)

GET /repositoriesService/isAuthorizedToDeleteArtifacts/{repositoryId}

Request Parameters
name type description default
repositoryId path n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)
Available Since

DELETE /repositoriesService/project/{repositoryId}/{groupId}/{projectId}

permissions are checked in impl

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
groupId path n/a
projectId path n/a
repositoryId path n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)
Available Since

DELETE /repositoriesService/projectVersion/{repositoryId}/{namespace}/{projectId}/{version}

permissions are checked in impl

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
namespace path n/a
projectId path n/a
repositoryId path n/a
version path n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)

GET /repositoriesService/removeScanningTaskFromQueue/{repositoryId}

Request Parameters
name type description default
repositoryId path n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)
Available Since

GET /repositoriesService/runningRemoteDownloadIds

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type
application/json StringList (JSON)
application/xml stringList (XML)
text/plain (custom)

GET /repositoriesService/scanRepository

index repository

Request Parameters
name type description default
fullScan query n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)
Available Since

GET /repositoriesService/scanRepositoryDirectoriesNow/{repositoryId}

scan directories

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
repositoryId path n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json RepositoryScanStatistics (JSON)
application/xml repositoryScanStatistics (XML)
text/plain (custom)

GET /repositoriesService/scanRepositoryNow

Request Parameters
name type description default
fullScan query n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)

GET /repositoriesService/scheduleDownloadRemoteIndex

Request Parameters
name type description default
fullDownload query n/a
now query n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json boolean (JSON)
application/xml boolean (XML)
text/plain (custom)