BrowseService Resource

Available Since

GET /browseService/artifactAvailable/{g}/{a}/{v}

verify if an artifact is available locally if not download from proxies will be try

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
v path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml boolean (XML)
Available Since

GET /browseService/artifactAvailable/{g}/{a}/{v}/{c}

verify if an artifact is available locally if not download from proxies will be try

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
c path n/a
g path n/a
v path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml boolean (XML)

GET /browseService/artifactContentEntries/{g}/{a}/{v}

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
v path n/a
c query n/a
p query n/a
repositoryId query n/a
t query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of artifactContentEntry (XML)

GET /browseService/artifactContentText/{g}/{a}/{v}

if path is empty content of the file is returned (for pom view)

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
v path n/a
c query n/a
p query n/a
repositoryId query n/a
t query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml artifactContent (XML)

GET /browseService/artifactDownloadInfos/{g}/{a}/{v}

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
v path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of artifact (XML)
Available Since

GET /browseService/artifacts/{r}

return List of all artifacts from this repository

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
r path n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of artifact (XML)
Available Since

GET /browseService/artifactsByMetadata/{key}/{value}

Return List of artifacts from this repository with artifact metadata key matching value. If repository is not provided the search runs in all repositories.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
key path n/a
value path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of artifact (XML)
Available Since

GET /browseService/artifactsByProjectVersionMetadata/{key}/{value}

Return List of artifacts from this repository with project version level metadata key matching value. If repository is not provided the search runs in all repositories.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
key path n/a
value path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of artifact (XML)
Available Since

GET /browseService/artifactsByProperty/{key}/{value}

Return List of artifacts from this repository with property key matching value. If repository is not provided the search runs in all repositories.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
key path n/a
value path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of artifact (XML)

GET /browseService/browseGroupId/{groupId}

Request Parameters
name type description default
groupId path groupId to browse n/a
repositoryId query optionnal (repository to browse if null all available user repositories are used) n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml browseResult (XML)

GET /browseService/dependees/{g}/{a}/{v}

List of artifacts using the artifact passed in parameter.

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
v path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of artifact (XML)

POST /browseService/importMetadata

Request Parameters
name type description default
repository query n/a
Request Body
media type data type
application/xml metadataAddRequest (XML)
Response Body
media type data type
application/xml boolean (XML)

DELETE /browseService/metadata/{g}/{a}/{v}/{key}

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
key path n/a
v path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml boolean (XML)

PUT /browseService/metadata/{g}/{a}/{v}/{key}/{value}

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
key path n/a
v path n/a
value path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml boolean (XML)

GET /browseService/metadatas/{g}/{a}/{v}

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
v path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of entry (XML)

GET /browseService/projectVersionMetadata/{g}/{a}

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml projectVersionMetadata (XML)

GET /browseService/projectVersionMetadata/{g}/{a}/{v}

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
v path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml projectVersionMetadata (XML)

GET /browseService/rootGroups

Request Parameters
name type description default
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml browseResult (XML)
Available Since

GET /browseService/searchArtifacts/{key}/{text}

Search artifacts with the property specified by key matching text. If repository is not provided the search runs in all repositories. If exact is true only the artifacts whose property match exactly are returned.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
key path n/a
text path n/a
exact query n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of artifact (XML)
Available Since

GET /browseService/searchArtifacts/{text}

Search artifacts with any property matching text. If repository is not provided the search runs in all repositories. If exact is true only the artifacts whose property match exactly are returned.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default
text path n/a
exact query n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of artifact (XML)

GET /browseService/treeEntries/{g}/{a}/{v}

return the dependency Tree for an artifacts the List result has only one entry

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
v path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of treeEntry (XML)

GET /browseService/userManagableRepositories

Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of managedRepository (XML)

GET /browseService/userRepositories

Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml list of managedRepository (XML)

GET /browseService/versionsList/{g}/{a}

Request Parameters
name type description default
a path n/a
g path n/a
repositoryId query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json (custom)
application/xml versionsList (XML)