Uses of Class

Packages that use RDFUtils.Parser
org.apache.any23.rdf TODO fillme 

Uses of RDFUtils.Parser in org.apache.any23.rdf

Methods in org.apache.any23.rdf that return RDFUtils.Parser
static RDFUtils.Parser RDFUtils.getParserFromExtension(String ext)
          Returns a parser type from the given extension.
static RDFUtils.Parser RDFUtils.Parser.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static RDFUtils.Parser[] RDFUtils.Parser.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.apache.any23.rdf with parameters of type RDFUtils.Parser
static RDFUtils.getRDFParser(RDFUtils.Parser p)
          Creates a new RDFParser instance.
static org.openrdf.model.Statement[] RDFUtils.parseRDF(RDFUtils.Parser p, InputStream is)
          Parses the content of is input stream with the specified parser p using '' as base URI.
static org.openrdf.model.Statement[] RDFUtils.parseRDF(RDFUtils.Parser p, InputStream is, String baseURI)
          Parses the content of is input stream with the specified parser p using baseURI.
static org.openrdf.model.Statement[] RDFUtils.parseRDF(RDFUtils.Parser p, String in)
          Parses the content of in string with the specified parser p using '' as base URI.

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