Package org.apache.any23.extractor

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Interface Summary
ErrorReporter This interface models an error reporter.
ExtractionResult Interface defining the methods that a representation of an extraction result must have.
Extractor<Input> It defines the signature of a generic Extractor.
Extractor.BlindExtractor This interface specializes an Extractor able to handle URI as input format.
Extractor.ContentExtractor This interface specializes an Extractor able to handle InputStream as input format.
Extractor.TagSoupDOMExtractor This interface specializes an Extractor able to handle Document as input format.
ExtractorDescription It defines a minimal signature for an Extractor description.
ExtractorFactory<T extends Extractor<?>> Interface defining a factory for Extractor.
TagSoupExtractionResult This interface models a specific ExtractionResult able to collect property roots generated by HTML Microformat extractions.

Class Summary
ErrorReporter.Error This class defines a generic error traced by this extraction result.
ExampleInputOutput A reporter for example input and output of an extractor.
ExtractionContext This class provides the context for the processing of a single Extractor.
ExtractionParameters This class models the parameters to be used to perform an extraction.

A default implementation of ExtractionResult; it receives extraction output from one Extractor working on one document, and passes the output on to a TripleHandler.

ExtractorGroup It simple models a group of ExtractorFactory providing simple accessing methods.
ExtractorRegistry Singleton class acting as a register for all the various Extractor.
SimpleExtractorFactory<T extends Extractor<?>> This class is a simple and default-like implementation of ExtractorFactory.
SingleDocumentExtraction This class acts as facade where all the extractors were called on a single document.
SingleDocumentExtractionReport This class provides the report for a SingleDocumentExtraction run.
TagSoupExtractionResult.PropertyPath Defines a property path object.
TagSoupExtractionResult.ResourceRoot Defines a property root object.

Enum Summary
ErrorReporter.ErrorLevel Possible error levels.
ExtractionParameters.ValidationMode Declares the supported validation actions.

Exception Summary
ExtractionException Defines a specific exception raised during the metadata extraction phase.

Package org.apache.any23.extractor Description

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