Package org.apache.any23.cli

TODO fillme


Interface Summary
Tool Defines a runnable CLI tool.

Class Summary
ExtractorDocumentation This class provides some command-line documentation about available extractors and their usage.
MicrodataParser Command line Microdata parser, accepting both files and URLs and returing a JSON representation of the extracted metadata as described at Microdata JSON Specification.
MimeDetector Commandline tool to detect MIME Types from file, HTTP and direct input sources.
PluginVerifier Commandline utility to verify the Any23 plugins and extract basic information.
Rover A default rover implementation.
ToolRunner This class is the main class responsible to provide a uniform command-line access points to all the others tools like Rover.
Version Prints out the Any23 library version.
VocabPrinter Prints out the vocabulary RDFSchema as NQuads.

Exception Summary

Annotation Types Summary

Package org.apache.any23.cli Description

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