
The configure task is used to configure ivy with an xml settings file.

See Settings Files for details about the settings file itself.

since 2.0 The file loaded used to be called configuration file in versions prior to 2.0. The name 'settings' and the use of the ivy.settings.file is new to 2.0.

since 2.0 It is also possible to configure Ivy with the settings declaration. The difference with this task is that when using the settings declaration, the configuration of Ivy will be done when the settings are first needed (for instance when you do a resolve), while the configure task will perform a configuration of Ivy instantly, which makes it easier to see the problem if something goes wrong.
settingsIdThe settings id useable in the settingsRef attributes of the ivy task that needs a setting. Note that the ivy tasks will search by default for the settings with the id "ivy.instance", which is the default value.No, defaults to "ivy.instance"
filepath to the settings file to use No. If a file is provided, url is ignored. If none are provided, then it attempts to find a file at ${ivy.settings.file}, and if this file does not exist, it uses ${ivy.settings.url} (since 2.3) or a default settings file
urlurl of the settings file to use
overrideSpecify what to do when another settings with the same id has already been loaded.
  • true
  • the current settings will take precedence over any previously defined setting with this id
  • false
  • the current settings will not override a previously defined setting with this id
  • notallowed
  • an error is raised if a settings has already been defined with this id
No, defaults to "notallowed"
hosthttp authentication hostNo, unless authentication is required
realmhttp authentication realm
usernamehttp authentication user name
passwdhttp authentication password

HTTP Authentication

If any of the url you use in ivy (especially in dependency resolvers) need http
authentication, then you have to provide the host, realm, username and passwd
attributes of the configure task. These settings will then be used in any
further call to ivy tasks.

Since 1.4:
It's also possible to configure authentication settings for multiple urls. This can be done with the subelements. See the examples for more details.


Simplest settings

<ivy:configure />
Use either ${ivy.settings.file} if it exists, or the default settings file

Configure with a file

<ivy:configure file="myconffile.xml" />

Configure with an url

<ivy:configure url="" />

Configure multiple URLs which require autentication

<ivy:configure file="path/to/my/ivysettings.xml">
<credentials host="" realm="My Realm" username="myuser" passwd="mypasswd" />
<credentials host="" realm="Your Realm" username="myuser" passwd="myotherpasswd" />