Choose distribution

Each distribution of Apache Ivy™ contains examples and documentation. The documentation can also be browsed online, we have an history of all versions since 2.0.0-alpha2.

With each version of Apache Ivy, you can find:

binary distribution

Containing jars, documentation and examples + a build.xml to download dependencies from a maven2 repository.

This is the recommended version to use Apache Ivy, you will get the jar and be able to make your first use of Apache Ivy to download the dependencies you need. All dependencies are optional, so you can use Apache Ivy without downloading any dependency. It requires at least a jre 1.4+ to run, and it can be used with Apache Ant™ 1.6.2 or later.

binary distribution with dependencies

Containing jars, dependencies, documentation and examples.

This distribution is well suited if you want to easily use Apache Ivy with all its optional tasks relying on external dependencies, without having to download them later. It requires at least a jre 1.4+ to run, and it can be used with Apache Ant 1.6.2 or later.


Ready to be build with Apache Ant 1.6.2 or later. You will need to have an internet access during the build in order to get Apache Ivy download its dependencies from the repository. This is the recommended version if you want to build Apache Ivy yourself and see it in action at the same time.