Uses of Class

Packages that use QName

Uses of QName in org.apache.xerces.framework

Methods in org.apache.xerces.framework with parameters of type QName
 int XMLDTDScanner.scanDefaultAttValue(QName element, QName attribute)
          Scan the default value in an attribute declaration
 void XMLDTDScanner.checkForElementTypeWithPEReference(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader, char fastchar, QName element)
 void XMLDTDScanner.checkForAttributeNameWithPEReference(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader, char fastchar, QName attribute)
 int XMLDTDScanner.scanDefaultAttValue(QName element, QName attribute, int attType, int enumeration)
 int XMLDTDScanner.normalizeDefaultAttValue(QName attribute, int defaultAttValue, int attType, int enumeration, boolean list)
 void XMLDTDScanner.EventHandler.doctypeDecl(QName rootElement, int publicId, int systemId)
          Called when the doctype decl is scanned
 int XMLDTDScanner.EventHandler.addElementDecl(QName elementDecl)
          Add an element declaration (forward reference)
 int XMLDTDScanner.EventHandler.addElementDecl(QName elementDecl, int contentSpecType, int contentSpec, boolean isExternal)
          Add an element declaration
 int XMLDTDScanner.EventHandler.addAttDef(QName elementDecl, QName attributeDecl, int attType, boolean attList, int enumeration, int attDefaultType, int attDefaultValue, boolean isExternal)
          Add an attribute definition
 void XMLDocumentHandler.startElement(QName element, XMLAttrList attrList, int attrListHandle)
          callback for the start of element.
 void XMLDocumentHandler.endElement(QName element)
          callback for end of element.
 void XMLDocumentHandler.DTDHandler.startDTD(QName rootElement, int publicId, int systemId)
          callback for the start of the DTD This function will be called when a <!DOCTYPE...> declaration is encountered.
 void XMLDocumentHandler.DTDHandler.elementDecl(QName elementDecl, int contentSpecType, int contentSpecIndex, XMLContentSpec.Provider contentSpecProvider)
          callback for an element declaration.
 void XMLDocumentHandler.DTDHandler.attlistDecl(QName elementDecl, QName attributeDecl, int attType, boolean attList, java.lang.String enumString, int attDefaultType, int attDefaultValue)
          callback for an attribute list declaration.
 int XMLAttrList.addAttr(QName attribute, int attValue, int attType, boolean specified, boolean search)
          Add an attribute to the current set.
 int XMLDocumentScanner.scanAttValue(QName element, QName attribute, boolean asSymbol)
          Scan an attribute value
 void XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler.callStartElement(QName element)
          signal the scanning of a start element tag
 void XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler.element(QName element)
          Signal the scanning of an element name in a start element tag.
 boolean XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler.attribute(QName element, QName attrName, int attrValue)
          Signal the scanning of an attribute associated to the previous start element tag.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xerces.parsers

Methods in org.apache.xerces.parsers with parameters of type QName
 void DOMParser.startElement(QName elementQName, XMLAttrList xmlAttrList, int attrListIndex)
          Start element.
 void DOMParser.endElement(QName elementQName)
          End element.
 void DOMParser.startDTD(QName rootElement, int publicId, int systemId)
          This function will be called when a <!DOCTYPE...> declaration is encountered.
 void DOMParser.elementDecl(QName elementDecl, int contentSpecType, int contentSpecIndex, XMLContentSpec.Provider contentSpecProvider)
          <!ELEMENT Name contentspec>
 void DOMParser.attlistDecl(QName elementDecl, QName attributeDecl, int attType, boolean attList, java.lang.String enumString, int attDefaultType, int attDefaultValue)
          <!ATTLIST Name AttDef>
 void SAXParser.startDTD(QName rootElement, int publicId, int systemId)
          This function will be called when a <!DOCTYPE...> declaration is encountered.
 void SAXParser.elementDecl(QName elementDecl, int contentSpecType, int contentSpecIndex, XMLContentSpec.Provider contentSpecProvider)
          Report an element type declaration.
 void SAXParser.attlistDecl(QName elementDecl, QName attributeDecl, int attType, boolean attList, java.lang.String enumString, int attDefaultType, int attDefaultValue)
          Report an attribute type declaration.
 void SAXParser.startElement(QName element, XMLAttrList attrList, int attrListIndex)
          Start element
 void SAXParser.endElement(QName element)
          End element.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xerces.readers

Methods in org.apache.xerces.readers with parameters of type QName
 void StreamingCharReader.scanQName(char fastcheck, QName qname)
 int StreamingCharReader.scanContent(QName element)
 void XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader.scanQName(char fastcheck, QName qname)
          Add a sequence of characters that match the XML Namespaces definition of a QName to the StringPool.
 int XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader.scanContent(QName element)
          Skip through the input while we are looking at character data.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xerces.utils

Methods in org.apache.xerces.utils with parameters of type QName
 void QName.setValues(QName qname)
          Sets the values of the qualified name.

Constructors in org.apache.xerces.utils with parameters of type QName
QName.QName(QName qname)
          Copy constructor.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xerces.validators.common

Fields in org.apache.xerces.validators.common declared as QName
 QName[] InsertableElementsInfo.curChildren
          The current list of children of the parent element.
 QName[] InsertableElementsInfo.possibleChildren
          This array is filled with flags that indicate what the possible insertable elements are (i.e.
 QName[] ContentLeafNameTypeVector.leafNames

Methods in org.apache.xerces.validators.common with parameters of type QName
 int Grammar.getElementDeclIndex(QName element, int scopeIndex)
protected  void Grammar.putElementNameMapping(QName name, int scope, int elementDeclIndex)
 int SimpleContentModel.validateContent(QName[] children, int offset, int length)
          Check that the specified content is valid according to this content model.
 int SimpleContentModel.validateContentSpecial(QName[] children, int offset, int length)
 int MixedContentModel.validateContent(QName[] children, int offset, int length)
          Check that the specified content is valid according to this content model.
 int MixedContentModel.validateContentSpecial(QName[] children, int offset, int length)
 int AllContentModel.validateContent(QName[] children, int offset, int length)
          Check that the specified content is valid according to this content model.
 int AllContentModel.validateContentSpecial(QName[] children, int offset, int length)
          This method is different from "validateContent" in that it will try to use the SubstitutionGroupComparator to match children against the content model.
 void XMLValidator.scanElementType(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader, char fastchar, QName element)
          Scans element type.
 boolean XMLValidator.scanExpectedElementType(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader, char fastchar, QName element)
          Scans expected element type.
 void XMLValidator.scanAttributeName(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader entityReader, QName element, QName attribute)
          Scans attribute name.
 void XMLValidator.element(QName element)
          Signal the scanning of an element name in a start element tag.
 boolean XMLValidator.attribute(QName element, QName attrName, int attrValue)
          Signal the scanning of an attribute associated to the previous start element tag.
 void XMLValidator.callStartElement(QName element)
          Call start element.
 void XMLValidator.setRootElementType(QName rootElement)
          Sets the root element.
protected  boolean XMLValidator.getAttDefIsExternal(QName element, QName attribute)
          Protected for use by AttributeValidator classes.
 int XMLValidator.AttributeValidator.normalize(QName element, QName attribute, int attValue, int attType, int enumHandle)
 int XMLContentModel.validateContent(QName[] children, int offset, int length)
          Check that the specified content is valid according to this content model.
 int XMLContentModel.validateContentSpecial(QName[] children, int offset, int length)
          This method is different from "validateContent" in that it will try to use the SubstitutionGroupComparator to match children against the content model.
 int DFAContentModel.validateContent(QName[] children, int offset, int length)
          Check that the specified content is valid according to this content model.
 int DFAContentModel.validateContentSpecial(QName[] children, int offset, int length)
 int DFAContentModel.oneTransition(QName curElem, int[] stateStack, int curPos)
          one transition only
 void ContentLeafNameTypeVector.setValues(QName[] names, int[] types, int count)

Constructors in org.apache.xerces.validators.common with parameters of type QName
SimpleContentModel.SimpleContentModel(QName firstChild, QName secondChild, int cmOp)
          Constructs a simple content model.
SimpleContentModel.SimpleContentModel(QName firstChild, QName secondChild, int cmOp, boolean dtd)
          Constructs a simple content model.
MixedContentModel.MixedContentModel(QName[] childList, int[] childListType, int offset, int length)
          Constructs a mixed content model.
MixedContentModel.MixedContentModel(QName[] childList, int[] childListType, int offset, int length, boolean ordered)
          Constructs a mixed content model.
MixedContentModel.MixedContentModel(QName[] childList, int[] childListType, int offset, int length, boolean ordered, boolean dtd)
          Constructs a mixed content model.
CMLeaf.CMLeaf(QName element, int position)
          Constructs a content model leaf.
CMLeaf.CMLeaf(QName element)
          Constructs a content model leaf.
ContentLeafNameTypeVector.ContentLeafNameTypeVector(QName[] names, int[] types, int count)

Uses of QName in org.apache.xerces.validators.dtd

Methods in org.apache.xerces.validators.dtd with parameters of type QName
 void DTDGrammar.doctypeDecl(QName rootElement, int publicId, int systemId)
          Called when the doctype decl is scanned
 int DTDGrammar.addElementDecl(QName elementDecl)
          Add an element declaration (forward reference)
 int DTDGrammar.addElementDecl(QName elementDecl, int contentSpecType, int contentSpec, boolean isExternal)
          Add an element declaration
protected  void DTDGrammar.putElementNameMapping(QName name, int scope, int elementDeclIndex)
 int DTDGrammar.getElementDeclIndex(QName element, int scopeIndex)
          public int getElementDeclIndex(int localpartIndex, int scopeIndex) { //System.out.println("getElementDeclIndex: "+localpartIndex+", "+scopeIndex); return super.getElementDeclIndex(localpartIndex, scopeIndex); } public int getElementDeclIndex(int uriIndex, int localpartIndex, int scopeIndex) { //System.out.println("!!! getElementDeclIndex: "+uriIndex+", "+localpartIndex+", "+scopeIndex); return super.getElementDeclIndex(localpartIndex, -1); } /
 boolean DTDGrammar.getRootElementQName(QName root)
 int DTDGrammar.addAttDef(QName elementDecl, QName attributeDecl, int attType, boolean attList, int enumeration, int attDefaultType, int attDefaultValue, boolean isExternal)
          Add an attribute definition

Uses of QName in org.apache.xerces.validators.schema

Fields in org.apache.xerces.validators.schema declared as QName

Methods in org.apache.xerces.validators.schema with parameters of type QName
 boolean SubstitutionGroupComparator.isEquivalentTo(QName anElement, QName exemplar)
 boolean SubstitutionGroupComparator.isAllowedByWildcard(QName element, int wuri, boolean wother)
          check whether one element or any element in its substitution group is allowed by a given wildcard uri
protected  void SchemaGrammar.addElementDeclOneSubstitutionGroupQName(int elementDeclIndex, QName name, SchemaGrammar grammar, int eleIndex)
protected  int SchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(QName eltQName, int enclosingScope, int scopeDefined, int contentSpecType, int contentSpecIndex, int attrListHead, DatatypeValidator dv)
protected  void SchemaGrammar.addAttDef(int templateElementIndex, QName attQName, int attType, int enumeration, int attDefaultType, java.lang.String attDefaultValue, DatatypeValidator dv, boolean isList)
 int SchemaGrammar.getAttributeDeclIndex(int elementIndex, QName attribute)
 int SchemaGrammar.findAttributeDecl(int attListHead, QName attribute)

Uses of QName in org.apache.xerces.validators.schema.identity

Fields in org.apache.xerces.validators.schema.identity declared as QName
          Node qualified name.

Methods in org.apache.xerces.validators.schema.identity with parameters of type QName
 void XPathMatcher.startElement(QName element, XMLAttrList attributes, int handle, int eIndex, SchemaGrammar grammar)
          The start of an element.
 void XPathMatcher.endElement(QName element, int eIndex, SchemaGrammar grammar)
          The end of an element.
 void Selector.Matcher.startElement(QName element, XMLAttrList attributes, int handle, int elemIndex, SchemaGrammar grammar)
          The start of an element.
 void Selector.Matcher.endElement(QName element, int elemIndex, SchemaGrammar grammar)

Constructors in org.apache.xerces.validators.schema.identity with parameters of type QName
XPath.NodeTest.XPath.NodeTest(StringPool stringPool, QName name)
          Constructs a node test of type QName.

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