Simple empty elem to push on the stack when nothing else got pushed, so that pop() works correctly. More...
#include <ElemEmpty.hpp>
Inheritance diagram for ElemEmpty:
Collaboration diagram for ElemEmpty:
Simple empty elem to push on the stack when nothing else got pushed, so that pop() works correctly.
Construct an object corresponding to an empty element.
Construct an object corresponding to an empty element. This constructor is used for surrogate empty elements that do not need namespace contexts and Locator information, etc.
Given an xsl token type, determine whether or not a child of that type is allowed. This is so derived types can determine whether a particular type of child is allowed for the instance. It is called from appendChildElem(). The default is to allow no types (no children)
Reimplemented from ElemTemplateElement. |
Get a string for the name of the element. Useful for debugging purposes, and error reporting.
Reimplemented from ElemTemplateElement. |
Completes "pre-processing" before any sub-elements are invoked (i.e. children, attribute sets and templates). If there are no sub-elements it executes the primary function of the element.
Reimplemented from ElemTemplateElement. |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.
Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.10 |