Class Service

  extended by org.apache.neethi.util.Service

public final class Service
extends Object

This class handles looking up service providers on the class path. It implements the system described in: JAR File Specification Under Service Provider. Note that this interface is very similar to the one they describe which seems to be missing in the JDK.

Thomas DeWeese

Method Summary
<T> List<? extends T>
providers(Class<T> cls)
          Returns an iterator where each element should implement the interface (or subclass the baseclass) described by cls.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static <T> List<? extends T> providers(Class<T> cls)
Returns an iterator where each element should implement the interface (or subclass the baseclass) described by cls. The Classes are found by searching the classpath for service files named: 'META-INF/services/<fully qualified classname> that list fully qualified classnames of classes that implement the service files classes interface. These classes must have default constructors.

cls - The class/interface to search for providers of.

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