
Interface Summary
JndiConstants JNDI-related constants.
NamespaceConstants Implementation specific constants.
NamespaceVersionHolder Interface used for maintaining a set of versions of namespaces for a given collection of specifications.
PersistentResource An interface to be implemented by a resource which wants to be persisted.
PropertiesResource A resource that has a properties document, as defined by WSRF-RP.
Resource A WS-Resource.
ResourceCapability A WSRF resource capability (i.e.
ResourceContext Context information pertaining to a specific request being processed by the WSRF resource invocation framework.
ResourceCreation An interface for exposing resource creation events.
ResourceCreationListener This interface is provided for listeners to be able to be notified when a Resource is added to the ResourceHome.
ResourceDefinition A WSRF resource definition.
ResourceDestruction An interface for exposing resource destruction events.
ResourceDestructionListener This interface is provided for listeners to be able to be notified when a Resource is removed from the ResourceHome.
ResourceEvent An interface defining a base event for resource destruction and creation.
ResourceHome Defines a basic interface through which resources are discovered and removed.

Class Summary
AbstractPortType A base class that can be extended by portType implementations.
ResourceCreationEvent A Resource Creation Event which contains the EndpointReference for the Resource which was created.
ResourceDestructionEvent A Resource Destruction Event which contains the EndpointReference for the Resource which was destroyed.
WsrfRuntime A singleton respresenting the WSRF runtime.

Exception Summary
IllegalResourceTypeException This exception is thrown by ResourceHome.add( when the specified Resource is not of the type supported by the home.
InvalidResourceKeyException LOG-DONE This exception is raised if the ResourceKey is in any way invalid.
InvalidWsrfWsdlException Indicates a semantic error was found while validating a WSRF WSDL.
NoResourceHomeException LOG-DONE This is a basic exception raised by ResourceContext operations in cases where a ResourceHome is not configured for a given service.
ResourceContextException LOG-DONE This is a basic exception raised by ResourceContext operations.
ResourceException LOG-DONE This is a basic exception raised by resources or ResourceHome operations.
ResourceUnknownException Indicates that a Resource instance with the specified id was not found in the corresponding ResourceHome.

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