apache > ws.apache

Apache WebServices - Pubscribe


Pubscribe is a robust Java implementation of the Web Services Notification (WSN) family of specifications.

WSN defines a set of specifications that standardize the way Web services can interact using the Notification pattern, which defines a way for consumers to subscribe to a producer for notifications whenever a particular event occurs.

WSN builds upon the WS-ResourceFramework (WSRF) family of specifications. Pubscribe leverages the WSRF project as its implementation of the WSRF foundation.


This release provides the following features:

  • An Apache WSRF handler/service framework and WS-RP/WS-RL/WS-MeX portType impls
  • A WSDL to Java generator that will generate the classes and configuration entries from a WSRF/WSN WSDL that are required to deploy it as a service to the Apache WSRF framework
  • Full implementations of all portTypes defined by the WS-BaseNotification specification
  • Full implementations of all portTypes defined by the WS-Eventing specification
  • Evaluators for all three topic expression dialects defined by the WS-Topics specification
  • Generic Publish/Subscribe APIs that hide the details of the underlying notification mechanism (WSN or WSE) being used
  • And more...

Any feedback is welcomed and can be sent to our mailing list.


  • (October 21, 2005) Pubscribe 1.1 is now available!
  • (August 5, 2005) Pubscribe 1.0 is now available!
  • (June 3, 2005) Pubscribe has graduated from incubation and is now an official Apache project!
  • (May 25, 2005) Pubscribe 1.0 Beta is now available!


Much of the code in Pubscribe is based on code from the GTK4 WSRF/WSN implementation that was donated by the Globus Consortium. This code was refactored to make extensive use of Apache XMLBeans to add improved runtime schema type validation and to enable portability to SOAP engines other than Axis. The original GTK4 WSRF/WSN code is checked in to SVN here.