
Interface Summary
TopicExpression Java representation of the wsnt:TopicExpressionType XML schema type.
TopicExpressionEvaluator A TopicExpressionEvaluator is used to evaluate a topic expression of a known dialect against a set of topic namespaces.

Class Summary
ConcreteTopicExpression A Concrete TopicExpression as defined by the WS-Topics specification.
FullTopicExpression A Full TopicExpression as defined by the WS-Topics specification.
SimpleTopicExpression A Simple TopicExpression as defined by the WS-Topics specification.
TopicExpressionEngine Resolves topic expressions over the set of topic namespaces stored in its topic namespace registry.

Exception Summary
InvalidTopicExpressionException This exception is raised when the topic expression is invalid.
TopicExpressionException This is a basic exception raised by TopicExpressionEngine or TopicExpressionEvaluator.
TopicExpressionResolutionException This exception is raised when resolution of a topic expression fails.
TopicPathDialectUnknownException This exception is raised if the given topic expression dialect is unsupported.

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