Interface Table

All Known Subinterfaces:
DB2Table, HsqlDbTable
All Known Implementing Classes:
DB2TableImpl, HsqlDbTableImpl, TableImpl

public interface Table

Abstract description of a table.

Jochen Wiedmann

Nested Class Summary
static interface Table.Name
Method Summary
 Column getColumn(Column.Name name)
          Returns the column with the given name or null, if no such column exists.
 Column getColumn(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the column with the given name or null, if no such column exists.
 java.util.Iterator getColumns()
          Returns the table columns.
 DeleteStatement getDeleteStatement()
          Returns an UPDATE statement for updating a column in the table.
 java.util.Iterator getForeignKeys()
          Returns an Iterator to the foreign keys defined on the table.
 java.util.Iterator getIndexes()
          Returns an Iterator to the indexes defined on the table.
 InsertStatement getInsertStatement()
          Returns an INSERT statement for filling all the values.
 Table.Name getName()
          Returns the table name.
 Index getPrimaryKey()
          Returns the tables primary key, if any, or null, if the table doesn't have a primary key.
 java.lang.String getQName()
          Returns the tables qualified name, which is getSchema().getName() + "." + getName().
 Schema getSchema()
          Returns the table schema.
 SelectStatement getSelectStatement()
          Returns a SELECT statement for selecting all the columns.
 UpdateStatement getUpdateStatement()
          Returns an UPDATE statement for updating a column in the table.
 Column newColumn(Column.Name name, Column.Type pType)
          Creates a new column.
 Column newColumn(java.lang.String name, Column.Type pType)
          Creates a new column.
 ForeignKey newForeignKey(Table pReferencedTable)
          Creates a new foreign key referencing the given table.
 Index newIndex()
          Creates a new, non-unique index on the table.
 Index newKey()
          Creates a new, unique index on the table.
 Index newPrimaryKey()
          Creates a new primary key on the table.

Method Detail


public Table.Name getName()

Returns the table name.


public Schema getSchema()

Returns the table schema.


public java.util.Iterator getColumns()

Returns the table columns.


public Column newColumn(Column.Name name,
                        Column.Type pType)

Creates a new column.


public Column newColumn(java.lang.String name,
                        Column.Type pType)

Creates a new column.


public Column getColumn(Column.Name name)

Returns the column with the given name or null, if no such column exists.


public Column getColumn(java.lang.String name)

Returns the column with the given name or null, if no such column exists.


public Index newKey()

Creates a new, unique index on the table.


public Index newIndex()

Creates a new, non-unique index on the table.


public Index newPrimaryKey()

Creates a new primary key on the table.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - A primary key has already been created.


public ForeignKey newForeignKey(Table pReferencedTable)

Creates a new foreign key referencing the given table.


public InsertStatement getInsertStatement()

Returns an INSERT statement for filling all the values. In other words: If the table FOO has the columns A, B, and C, then the statement INSERT INTO FOO (A,B,C) VALUES (?, ?, ?) will be returned.

See Also:


public SelectStatement getSelectStatement()

Returns a SELECT statement for selecting all the columns. In other words: If the table FOO has the columns A, B, and C, then the statement SELECT A, B, C FROM FOO will be returned.

See Also:


public UpdateStatement getUpdateStatement()

Returns an UPDATE statement for updating a column in the table. In other words: If the table FOO has the columns A, B, C and D with the primary key columns A and B, then the statement UPDATE FOO SET C = ?, D = ? WHERE A = ? AND B = ? will be returned.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - The table doesn't have a primary key.
See Also:


public DeleteStatement getDeleteStatement()

Returns an UPDATE statement for updating a column in the table. In other words: If the table FOO has the primary key columns A and B, then the statement DELETE FROM FOO WHERE A = ? AND B = ? will be returned.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - The table doesn't have a primary key.
See Also:


public java.lang.String getQName()

Returns the tables qualified name, which is getSchema().getName() + "." + getName(). If the schema is the default schema, returns getName().


public Index getPrimaryKey()

Returns the tables primary key, if any, or null, if the table doesn't have a primary key.


public java.util.Iterator getIndexes()

Returns an Iterator to the indexes defined on the table. This iterator includes the primary key, if any.


public java.util.Iterator getForeignKeys()

Returns an Iterator to the foreign keys defined on the table.