Class AddressingUtils

  extended byorg.apache.axis.message.addressing.util.AddressingUtils

public class AddressingUtils
extends java.lang.Object

Class AddressingUtils

Jarek Gawor (

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.String getInputAction(javax.xml.namespace.QName portTypeQName, javax.wsdl.Operation operation)
          Gets input action.
static java.lang.String getNamespacePrefix(javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement element, java.lang.String namespace)
          Gets prefix for a given namespace.
static java.lang.String getOutputAction(javax.xml.namespace.QName portTypeQName, javax.wsdl.Operation operation)
          Gets output action.
static AddressingHeaders getRequestHeaders(javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext msgCtx)
          Gets request AddressingHeaders associated with the specified context.
static AddressingHeaders getResponseHeaders(javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext msgCtx)
          Gets response AddressingHeaders associated with the specified context.
static boolean isAddressingNamespaceURI(java.lang.String nsURI)
static void removeHeader(javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader soapHeader, java.lang.String actorURI, java.lang.String headerName)
          Removes all instances of a given header name in WS-Addressing namespace for a given actor.
static void removeHeaders(javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader soapHeader, java.lang.String actorURI)
          Removes all instances of all WS-Addressing headers for a given actor.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AddressingUtils()
Method Detail


public static void removeHeader(javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader soapHeader,
                                java.lang.String actorURI,
                                java.lang.String headerName)
Removes all instances of a given header name in WS-Addressing namespace for a given actor.


public static boolean isAddressingNamespaceURI(java.lang.String nsURI)


public static void removeHeaders(javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader soapHeader,
                                 java.lang.String actorURI)
Removes all instances of all WS-Addressing headers for a given actor.


public static AddressingHeaders getResponseHeaders(javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext msgCtx)
Gets response AddressingHeaders associated with the specified context. If there are no AddressingHeaders associated with the context, new reponse AddressingHeaders are created and associated with the context.


public static AddressingHeaders getRequestHeaders(javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext msgCtx)
Gets request AddressingHeaders associated with the specified context. If there are no AddressingHeaders associated with the context, new request AddressingHeaders are created and associated with the context.


public static java.lang.String getInputAction(javax.xml.namespace.QName portTypeQName,
                                              javax.wsdl.Operation operation)
Gets input action. See section 3.3 of the 2004 WS-Addressing specification.


public static java.lang.String getOutputAction(javax.xml.namespace.QName portTypeQName,
                                               javax.wsdl.Operation operation)
Gets output action. See section 3.3 of the 2004 WS-Addressing specification.


public static java.lang.String getNamespacePrefix(javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement element,
                                                  java.lang.String namespace)
                                           throws javax.xml.soap.SOAPException
Gets prefix for a given namespace. If the prefix is already defined for the namespace given, it is returned. Otherwise, a new prefix is automatically registered with the given namespace and returned.


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