Package org.apache.velocity.test

Interface Summary
TemplateTestBase This is a base interface that contains a bunch of static final strings that are of use when testing templates.

Class Summary
AbsoluteFileResourceLoaderTestCase Test use of an absolute path with the FileResourceLoader
AnakiaTestCase This is a test case for Anakia.
ArithmeticTestCase Test arithmetic operations.
ArrayMethodsTestCase Used to check that method calls on Array references work properly and that they produce the same results as the same methods would on a fixed-size List.
BaseEvalTestCase Base for test cases that use evaluate, instead of going through the resource loaders.
BaseTestCase Base test case that provides a few utility methods for the rest of the tests.
BuiltInEventHandlerTestCase Tests the operation of the built in event handlers.
ClassloaderChangeTestCase Tests if we can hand Velocity an arbitrary class for logging.
ClasspathResourceTestCase Load templates from the Classpath.
CommentsTestCase Test comments
CommonsExtPropTestCase Tests for the Commons ExtendedProperties class.
ContextSafetyTestCase Tests if we are context safe : can we switch objects in the context and re-merge the template safely.
DefineTestCase This class tests the #define directive
EncodingTestCase Tests input encoding handling.
EvaluateContextTestCase Tests scope of EvaluateContext.
EvaluateTestCase Test #evaluate directive.
EventHandlingTestCase Tests event handling for all event handlers except IncludeEventHandler.
ExceptionTestCase Test case for miscellaneous Exception related issues.
ExternalLoggerTestCase Tests if we can hand Velocity an arbitrary class for logging.
FilteredEventHandlingTestCase Tests event handling for all event handlers when multiple event handlers are assigned for each type.
ForeachBreakTestCase This class tests the break directive within Foreach loop.
ForeachTestCase This class tests the Foreach loop.
IfNullTestCase Used to check that nulls are properly handled in #if statements
IncludeErrorTestCase Test that #parse and #include pass errors to calling code.
IncludeEventHandlingTestCase Tests event handling
InfoTestCase Test that the Info class in the Introspector holds the correct information.
InlineScopeVMTestCase Tests if the VM template-locality is working.
IntrospectionCacheDataTestCase Checks that arrays are cached correctly in the Introspector.
Introspector2TestCase Test case for the Velocity Introspector which tests the ability to find a 'best match'
Introspector3TestCase Simple introspector test case for primitive problem found in 1.3
IntrospectorTestCase Test case for the Velocity Introspector which uses the Java Reflection API to determine the correct signature of the methods used in VTL templates.
InvalidEventHandlerTestCase Tests event handling for all event handlers except IncludeEventHandler.
InvalidEventHandlerTestCase.TestEventCartridge Test assigning the event handlers via properties
MacroForwardDefineTestCase Make sure that a forward referenced macro inside another macro definition does not report an error in the log.
MethodCacheKeyTestCase Checks that the equals method works correctly when caching method keys.
MethodInvocationExceptionTestCase Tests if we can hand Velocity an arbitrary class for logging.
MethodOverloadingTestCase Test a reported bug in which method overloading throws IllegalArgumentException after a null return value.
MiscTestCase Test case for any miscellaneous stuff.
MultiLoaderTestCase Load templates from the Classpath.
MultipleFileResourcePathTestCase Multiple paths in the file resource loader.
NumberMethodCallsTestCase Used to check that method calls with number parameters are executed correctly.
ParseExceptionTestCase Test parser exception is generated with appropriate info.
ParserTestCase More specific parser tests where just templating isn't enough.
ParseWithMacroLibsTestCase Test case for including macro libraries via the #parse method.
PropertyMethodPrecedenceTestCase Used to check that vararg method calls on references work properly
ResourceCachingTestCase Test resource caching related issues.
ResourceExistsTestCase Test the resource exists method
ResourceLoaderInstanceTestCase Test that an instance of a ResourceLoader can be successfully passed in.
SecureIntrospectionTestCase Checks that the secure introspector is working properly.
SetTestCase Test that an instance of a ResourceLoader can be successfully passed in.
StaticUtilityMethodsTestCase This class tests support for putting static utility classes like java.lang.Math directly into the context in order to use their methods.
StrictForeachTestCase This class tests support for strict foreach mode.
StrictMathTestCase This class tests support for strict math mode.
StrictReferenceTestCase Test strict reference mode turned on by the velocity property runtime.references.strict
StringConcatenationTestCase This class tests support for string concatenation.
StringResourceLoaderRepositoryTestCase Tests ability to have multiple repositories in the same app.
StringResourceLoaderTestCase Multiple paths in the file resource loader.
TemplateTestCase Easily add test cases which evaluate templates and check their output.
TemplateTestSuite Test suite for Templates.
TestBaseTestCase I keep breaking the getFileName method all the time...
TexenClasspathTestCase This is a test case for Texen.
TexenTestCase This is a test case for Texen.
UnicodeEscapeTestCase Test Case for Velocity Tools Issue 520.
URLResourceLoaderTimeoutTestCase This class tests support for custom timeouts in URLResourceLoader.
VarargMethodsTestCase Used to check that vararg method calls on references work properly
VelocimacroTestCase This class tests strange Velocimacro issues.
VelocityAppTestCase This class is intended to test the class.
VelocityServletTestCase Tests our VelocityServlet implementation.
VMContextLocalscopeTestCase Tests scope of velocimacros with localscope setting.
VMLibraryTestCase Macro library inclution via the Template.merge method is tested using this class.
WrappedExceptionTestCase Test thrown exceptions include a proper cause (under JDK 1.4+).

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