AllowsPassByReference - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation on a method that indicates that its parameters may safely be passed by reference.
Authentication - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation denoting the intent that service operations require authentication.
AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in annotation type org.osoa.sca.annotations.Authentication
AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGE - Static variable in annotation type org.osoa.sca.annotations.Authentication
AUTHENTICATION_TRANSPORT - Static variable in annotation type org.osoa.sca.annotations.Authentication


CallableReference<B> - Interface in org.osoa.sca
Common superclass for references that can be passed between components.
Callback - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
When placed on a service interface, this annotation specifies the interface to be used for callbacks.
cast(B) - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ComponentContext
Cast a type-safe reference to a CallableReference.
ComponentContext - Interface in org.osoa.sca
Interface providing programmatic access to a component's SCA context as an alternative to injection.
ComponentName - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate a field or method that is used to inject the component's name.
Confidentiality - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation denoting the intent that service operations require confidentiality.
CONFIDENTIALITY - Static variable in annotation type org.osoa.sca.annotations.Confidentiality
CONFIDENTIALITY_MESSAGE - Static variable in annotation type org.osoa.sca.annotations.Confidentiality
CONFIDENTIALITY_TRANSPORT - Static variable in annotation type org.osoa.sca.annotations.Confidentiality
Constants - Interface in org.osoa.sca
Constructor - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Used to indicate the constructor the runtime is to use when instantiating a component implementation instance
Context - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate a field or setter method that is used to inject an SCA context.
Conversation - Interface in org.osoa.sca
Interface representing a Conversation providing access to the conversation id and and a mechanism to terminate the conversation.
Conversational - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Used on a Java interface to denote a conversational service contract.
ConversationAttributes - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate the characteristics of a conversation.
ConversationEndedException - Exception in org.osoa.sca
Exception thrown to indicate the conversation being used for a stateful interaction has been ended.
ConversationEndedException() - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ConversationEndedException
Override constructor from ServiceRuntimeException.
ConversationEndedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ConversationEndedException
Override constructor from ServiceRuntimeException.
ConversationEndedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ConversationEndedException
Override constructor from ServiceRuntimeException.
ConversationEndedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ConversationEndedException
Override constructor from ServiceRuntimeException.
ConversationID - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate a field or method that is used to inject the conversation ID.
createSelfReference(Class<B>) - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ComponentContext
Returns a ServiceReference that can be used to invoke this component over the default service.
createSelfReference(Class<B>, String) - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ComponentContext
Returns a ServiceReference that can be used to invoke this component over the designated service.


Destroy - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate a method that will be called by the container when the scope defined for the local service ends.


EagerInit - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate an instance should be eagerly initialized.
end() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.Conversation
End this conversation.
EndsConversation - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate a method ends a conversation.


getBusinessInterface() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.CallableReference
Returns the Java class for the business interface associated with this reference.
getCallback() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.RequestContext
Returns a type-safe reference to the callback provided by the caller.
getCallback() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ServiceReference
Returns the callback object.
getCallbackID() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.CallableReference
Returns the callback ID.
getCallbackReference() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.RequestContext
Returns a CallableReference to the callback provided by the caller.
getConversation() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.CallableReference
Returns the conversation associated with this reference.
getConversationID() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.Conversation
Returns the identifier for this conversation.
getConversationID() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ServiceReference
Returns the id supplied by the user that will be associated with conversations initiated through this reference.
getProperty(Class<B>, String) - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ComponentContext
Returns the value of an SCA property defined by this component.
getRequestContext() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ComponentContext
Returns the context for the current SCA service request, or null if there is no current request or if the context is unavailable.
getSecuritySubject() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.RequestContext
Returns the JAAS Subject of the current request.
getService() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.CallableReference
Returns a type-safe reference to the target of this reference.
getService(Class<B>, String) - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ComponentContext
Returns a proxy for a reference defined by this component.
getServiceName() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.RequestContext
Returns the name of the service that was invoked.
getServiceReference(Class<B>, String) - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ComponentContext
Returns a ServiceReference for a reference defined by this component.
getServiceReference() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.RequestContext
Returns a CallableReference for the service that was invoked by the caller.
getURI() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ComponentContext
Returns the absolute URI of the component within the SCA Domain.


Init - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate a method that will be called by the container when the scope defined for the local service begins.
Integrity - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation denoting the intent that service operations require integrity.
INTEGRITY - Static variable in annotation type org.osoa.sca.annotations.Integrity
INTEGRITY_MESSAGE - Static variable in annotation type org.osoa.sca.annotations.Integrity
INTEGRITY_TRANSPORT - Static variable in annotation type org.osoa.sca.annotations.Integrity
Intent - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation that can be applied to annotations that describe SCA intents.
isConversational() - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.CallableReference
Returns true if this reference is conversational.


NoRegisteredCallbackException - Exception in org.osoa.sca
Exception thrown to indicate that no callback has been registered when interacting with a service.
NoRegisteredCallbackException() - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.NoRegisteredCallbackException
Override constructor from ServiceRuntimeException.
NoRegisteredCallbackException(String) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.NoRegisteredCallbackException
Override constructor from ServiceRuntimeException.
NoRegisteredCallbackException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.NoRegisteredCallbackException
Override constructor from ServiceRuntimeException.
NoRegisteredCallbackException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.NoRegisteredCallbackException
Override constructor from ServiceRuntimeException.


OneWay - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation on a method that indicates that the method is non-blocking and communication with the service provider may use buffer the requests and send them at some later time.
org.osoa.sca - package org.osoa.sca
org.osoa.sca.annotations - package org.osoa.sca.annotations


PolicySets - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation that allows application of SCA Policy Sets.
Property - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate a constructor parameter, field or method that is used to inject a configuration property value.


Qualifier - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation that can be applied to an attribute of an @Intent annotation to indicate the attribute provides qualifiers for the intent.


Reference - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate a constructor parameter, field or method that is used to inject a reference.
Remotable - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate a Java interface as remotable.
RequestContext - Interface in org.osoa.sca
Interface that provides information on the current request.
Requires - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation that allows the attachment of any intent to a Java Class or interface or to members of that class such as methods, fields or constructor parameters.


SCA_NS - Static variable in interface org.osoa.sca.Constants
Namespace for intents.
SCA_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.osoa.sca.Constants
Prefix form of the namespace that can be prepended to intent declarations.
Scope - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate a scoped service.
Service - Annotation Type in org.osoa.sca.annotations
Annotation used to indicate the service interfaces exposed by a Java class.
ServiceReference<B> - Interface in org.osoa.sca
A ServiceReference represents a client's perspective of a reference to another service.
ServiceRuntimeException - Exception in org.osoa.sca
Base for Exceptions that may be raised by an SCA runtime and which typical application code is not expected to be able to handle.
ServiceRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ServiceRuntimeException
Override constructor from RuntimeException.
ServiceRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ServiceRuntimeException
Override constructor from RuntimeException.
ServiceRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ServiceRuntimeException
Override constructor from RuntimeException.
ServiceRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ServiceRuntimeException
Override constructor from RuntimeException.
ServiceUnavailableException - Exception in org.osoa.sca
Exception used to indicate that a runtime exception occurred during the invocation of and external service.
ServiceUnavailableException() - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ServiceUnavailableException
Constructs a new ServiceUnavailableException.
ServiceUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ServiceUnavailableException
Constructs a new ServiceUnavailableException with the specified detail message.
ServiceUnavailableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ServiceUnavailableException
Constructs a new ServiceUnavailableException with the specified cause.
ServiceUnavailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.osoa.sca.ServiceUnavailableException
Constructs a new ServiceUnavailableException with the specified detail message and cause.
setCallback(Object) - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ServiceReference
Sets the callback object.
setCallbackID(Object) - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ServiceReference
Sets the callback ID.
setConversationID(Object) - Method in interface org.osoa.sca.ServiceReference
Set the id to associate with any conversation started through this reference.