Class InsertAttributeModel

Package class diagram package InsertAttributeModel
  extended by org.apache.tiles.template.InsertAttributeModel

public class InsertAttributeModel
extends Object

Inserts the value of an attribute into the page.

This tag can be flexibly used to insert the value of an attribute into a page. As in other usages in Tiles, every attribute can be determined to have a "type", either set explicitly when it was defined, or "computed". If the type is not explicit, then if the attribute value is a valid definition, it will be inserted as such. Otherwise, if it begins with a "/" character, it will be treated as a "template". Finally, if it has not otherwise been assigned a type, it will be treated as a String and included without any special handling.

Example :

           <tiles:insertAttribute name="body" />

$Rev: 797765 $ $Date: 2009-07-25 15:20:26 +0200 (sab, 25 lug 2009) $

Constructor Summary
InsertAttributeModel(AttributeResolver attributeResolver)
Method Summary
 void end(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, TilesContainer container, boolean ignore, Object... requestItems)
          Ends the operation.
 void execute(TilesContainer container, boolean ignore, String preparer, String role, Object defaultValue, String defaultValueRole, String defaultValueType, String name, Attribute value, Object... requestItems)
          Executes the operation.
 void start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, TilesContainer container, boolean ignore, String preparer, String role, Object defaultValue, String defaultValueRole, String defaultValueType, String name, Attribute value, Object... requestItems)
          Starts the operation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InsertAttributeModel(AttributeResolver attributeResolver)

attributeResolver - The attribute resolver to use.
Method Detail


public void start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
                  TilesContainer container,
                  boolean ignore,
                  String preparer,
                  String role,
                  Object defaultValue,
                  String defaultValueRole,
                  String defaultValueType,
                  String name,
                  Attribute value,
                  Object... requestItems)
Starts the operation.

composeStack - The compose stack,
container - The Tiles container to use.
ignore - If true, if an exception happens during rendering, of if the attribute is null, the problem will be ignored.
preparer - The preparer to invoke before rendering the attribute.
role - A comma-separated list of roles. If present, the attribute will be rendered only if the current user belongs to one of the roles.
defaultValue - The default value of the attribute. To use only if the attribute was not computed.
defaultValueRole - The default comma-separated list of roles. To use only if the attribute was not computed.
defaultValueType - The default type of the attribute. To use only if the attribute was not computed.
name - The name of the attribute.
value - The attribute to use immediately, if not null.
requestItems - The request objects.


public void end(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
                TilesContainer container,
                boolean ignore,
                Object... requestItems)
         throws IOException
Ends the operation.

composeStack - The compose stack,
container - The Tiles container to use.
ignore - If true, if an exception happens during rendering, of if the attribute is null, the problem will be ignored.
requestItems - The request objects.
IOException - If an I/O error happens during rendering.


public void execute(TilesContainer container,
                    boolean ignore,
                    String preparer,
                    String role,
                    Object defaultValue,
                    String defaultValueRole,
                    String defaultValueType,
                    String name,
                    Attribute value,
                    Object... requestItems)
             throws IOException
Executes the operation.

container - The Tiles container to use.
ignore - If true, if an exception happens during rendering, of if the attribute is null, the problem will be ignored.
preparer - The preparer to invoke before rendering the attribute.
role - A comma-separated list of roles. If present, the attribute will be rendered only if the current user belongs to one of the roles.
defaultValue - The default value of the attribute. To use only if the attribute was not computed.
defaultValueRole - The default comma-separated list of roles. To use only if the attribute was not computed.
defaultValueType - The default type of the attribute. To use only if the attribute was not computed.
name - The name of the attribute.
value - The attribute to use immediately, if not null.
requestItems - The request objects.
IOException - If an I/O error happens during rendering.

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