Class ExcelExtractor

  extended by

public class ExcelExtractor
extends java.lang.Object

Excel parser implementation which uses POI's Event API to handle the contents of a Workbook.

The Event API uses a much smaller memory footprint than HSSFWorkbook when processing excel files but at the cost of more complexity.

With the Event API a listener is registered for specific record types and those records are created, fired off to the listener and then discarded as the stream is being processed.

See Also:
HSSFListener, POI Event API How To

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean isListenForAllRecords()
          Returns true if this parser is configured to listen for all records instead of just the specified few.
protected  void parse(org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem filesystem, XHTMLContentHandler xhtml)
          Extracts text from an Excel Workbook writing the extracted content to the specified Appendable.
 void setListenForAllRecords(boolean listenForAllRecords)
          Specifies whether this parser should to listen for all records or just for the specified few.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExcelExtractor()
Method Detail


public boolean isListenForAllRecords()
Returns true if this parser is configured to listen for all records instead of just the specified few.


public void setListenForAllRecords(boolean listenForAllRecords)
Specifies whether this parser should to listen for all records or just for the specified few.

Note: Under normal operation this setting should be false (the default), but you can experiment with this setting for testing and debugging purposes.

listenForAllRecords - true if the HSSFListener should be registered to listen for all records or false if the listener should be configured to only receive specified records.


protected void parse(org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem filesystem,
                     XHTMLContentHandler xhtml)
Extracts text from an Excel Workbook writing the extracted content to the specified Appendable.

filesystem - POI file system
Throws: - if an error occurs processing the workbook or writing the extracted content

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