TextArea Component Index Upload

Text Field 
Used to implement a HTML text form element, either a <input type="text"> or <input type="password">. This component must be wrapped by a Form .
See Also
Form, TextArea ValidField
Name Type Direction Required Default Description
value String in-out yes   The text inside the text field. The binding is only updated when the the component is not disabled. Corresponds to the "value" HTML attribute.
hidden boolean in no false If true, then the text field is written as a <input type="password"> form element.
disabled boolean in no false Controls whether the text field is active or not. If disabled, then any value that comes up when the form is submitted is ignored. Corresponds to the "disabled" HTML attribute.
displayWidth integer in no   Controls the display width of the text control in the client browser. If unspecified or zero, then the width is left to the client browser to determine. Corresponds to the "size" HTML attribute.
maximumLength integer in no   Controls the maximum characters that the text control will accept. If unspecified or zero, then the value is left to the client browser to determine. Corresponds to the "maxlength" HTML attribute.

Body: removed
Informal parameters: allowed
Reserved parameters: "type", "value"

The TextField component is used here to provide a plain text and a password form input field.

Id Password

<form jwcid="form">
 <table valign="middle">
   <td>span jwcid="idField" size="8"/></td>
   <td><span jwcid="passwordField" size="8"/></td>
   <td colspan="4" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Submit"/></td>

<component id="form" type="Form">
    <binding name="listener" expression="listeners.formSubmit"/>
<component id="idField" type="TextField">
    <binding name="value" expression="visit.id"/>

<component id="passwordField" type="TextField">
    <binding name="value" expression=
     "visit.password"/><field-binding name=
    "hidden" field-name="Boolean.TRUE"/>

public class PasswordPage extends BasePage {
    public void formSubmit(IRequestCycle requestCycle) {
        // Process the form submission.

public class Visit implements Serializable {
    private String id;
    private String password;

    public String getId() { return id; }

    public void setId(String value) {
        id = value;

    public String getPassword() { return password; }

    public void setPassword(String value) {
        password = value;

TextArea Component Index Upload